The Norwegian National Data Repository for Petroleum data


Diskos has three member categories: Oil companies, Associated members (non-oil companies) and Universities & Research Organisations.

Oil companies

Diskos is primarily intended for oil companies operating on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Upon membership, they achieve several simplifications related to submission of required data to the authorities, own use and sharing of data in the licences or through trades or sales. Most of the licencees on the NCS are members of Diskos, but it's not a requirement from the authorities.

The oil companies pay a fixed annual fee of approx. NOK 650 000 per year for administration, joint projects and operations of the system. In addition they pay the Diskos database operator for uploading and downloading data from the database.

List of oil company members in Diskos

Associated members

The associated members (non-oil companies) are generally companies that aquire seismic (spec companies) and various consulting firms. Upon membership, they get access to the public data in the database and other data they are entitled to.

They pay a fixed annual membership fee of about NOK 190 000. Otherwise they pay the same as the oil companies for upload and download of data.

List of associated members in Diskos

Universities and research organisations

Universities and research organisations are also a type of associated members, but in a different category: Universities and Government Non-Profit Research Organisations. They can become members for free and can download a certain volume per year at no cost.

In the beginning, only Norwegian Universities were accepted as associated members in this category, but the last years, also some foreign universities have been accepted.

List of Universities and research organisations members

Want to become a Diskos member?

Find more information if your company wants to become a Diskos member. 

Updated: 30/12/2023

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