The Norwegian National Data Repository for Petroleum data

DWH Projects

Diskos Well Historical (DWH) Projects

Several projects related to scanning and loading of historical well data were done in the period 2000-2003 which included reports and listing from both exploration and development wellbores.

Diskos Scanned Well Reports

This project covered various well reports, such as biostratigraphy, sedimentology, drilling, well tests, core discovery, petrophysical evaluation, geochemical and others.

It includes data from 220 exploration wellbores and there are 2500 files available from this project in Diskos.

Diskos Scanned Completion Reports

This project covered scanning and loading of completion reports from both exploration wellbores (1000) and development wellbores (1500).

There are 2600 reports available from this project in Diskos.

Diskos Offline Log and Report Indexes

This project included listings of physical (offline) well reports and logs. These are overviews of what was on the shelf physically in the oil companies. The project covered all wellbores 1966-1999, both exploration and development. 

In total, 21 oil companies delivered their indexes to Diskos and there are 134 000 indexes available from this project in Diskos.

Updated: 25/07/2022

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