To re-process or re-acquire? The seismic decision

The Force Geophysical Methods network group invites you to join a one-day seminar to share experiences of the decision-making process on whether to re-process or re-acquire seismic data.
- 01 Bill Shea - Chasing the Holy Grail
- 02 Ross Milne- The technical justification for ocean bottom seismic
- 03 Nina Lebedeva-Ivanova - Towards meter-scale
- 04 Geir Mikkelsen - Jasper(PL 255B) Shallow Hazards Drilling
- 05 Vetle Vinje - Modelling-based survey
- 06 Alexander Sakharov Dual-azimuth depth imaging
- 07 Per-Eivind Dahle A decade of marine seismic technology
- 08 Paul Fallon - Central North Sea
- 09 Jan Nilssen - Multiazimuth processing and imaging
- 10 Allan McKay - Survey Design Considerations
Updated: 06/01/2020