The FORCE 2020 Machine Learning Contest with Wells and Seismic

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The global machine learning contest with wells and seismic data is now open and running (10th August 16:00 UTC). 

For all the data, the discussion, sign up and to see the leaderboard please head here:

Well Log competition

Fault mapping on seismic competition


Vendors Offers

Several software vendors offer the competition data with free licenses to their packages for people less familiar with Python. For the well log machine learning data you can use offers a pre loaded project with full Python development environment that supports any machine learning model. This means you don't have to worry about data IO and data visualization. They also offer free licenses to all their specialized plugins. offers you temporary free licenses to their Petrel python plugin for the time of the competition.

Please contact if you would want to test a license.


We will post the winner of the competition here.

The well log competition closes on the 16th of October.

The seismic competition winner closes on 16th of October and winners will be announced in the first weeks of November. 

Depending on the Corona situation in the fall we will hold a one day workshop to discuss the approaches and results of the teams.



Winning team for the Lithofacies prediction competition will get 2000 EUR in cash or travel bursary to Stavanger to present their work and interface with industry. Runner up team and third  will get 1000 EUR in cash or travel bursary to Stavanger to present their work and interface with industry.

The two winning teams for the fault identification challenge will receive 1500 EUR or a travel bursary to Stavanger each. We will ensure that you get ample opportunity to present your work to industry representants.


FORCE is a cooperating forum for Improved oil and gas recovery (IOGR) and Improved exploration (IE) conducted by oil and gas companies and authorities in Norway. Our ambition is to play a significant role in the future value creation on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, through facilitating cooperation between industry, research institutions and authorities. The basic idea of the forum is to improve collaboration by sharing knowledge through network groups, and by enabling the establishment of cross licensees /company piloting projects within exploration and enhanced oil recovery through project groups. FORCE was established in 1995, with the goal to stimulate industrial cooperation.

seismic.JPG               seismic wells.JPG

For more information contact:


Opportunity to sponsor

Sponsor fund will be used to create a high quality well log and well label dataset that can serve as a reference for future competitions and research around machine learning and well log data. 

To date such a dataset does not exist.

In addition the funds will be used to manage the competition and secure the necessary publicity.


Gold Sponsor: >70 000 kr 

  • Logo will be on all the websites and advertising documents
  • Logo will appear at the top of the websites
  • Sponsoring can also be in kind (well data, seismic data)
  • Sponsor names have to cited on all subsequent publications that have used  the created datasets

Silver Sponsor: 25 000 kr 

  • Logo will be on all the websites and advertising documents
  • Logo will appear at the bottom of the websites
  • Will be acknowledged in key publications









Updated: 16/10/2020

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