Joining Forces: Solving the energy challenge together

Joining Forces.png

Welcome to a 1,5-day seminar and dinner. The ambition of the forum is to promote communication and collaboration between the oil & gas industry and the Norwegian academic and research institutions to bring about valuable R&D projects. Dates may be subject to change due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Date Time Duration Register by Location
5-6 April 09:00 1.5 days 28.04.2022 Valhall-Ptil



The agenda will include sessions focusing on technical aspects of improved exploration and hydrocarbon production, improved energy efficiency and the transition to clean energy which is in line with the FORCE technical groups. In addition, there will be opportunity for posters on specific projects and discussion groups and panel discussions related to energy transition and the ongoing digitalization of the sector. We would therefore like to encourage students and researchers to attend.

Dates and format may be subject to change due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

If you have registered and paid for this seminar you will stay registered for when Joining Forces will be held in 2022


The focus for the event is to provide the opportunity for industry to share their perspectives on R&D: what are our challenges; what do we want R&D to focus on; what are our R&D strategies. There will be several short presentations from different companies providing a range of views on R&D requirements for the Petroleum industry in Norway.

In addition, we anticipate having a selection of presentations from the Research Departments and there will be facility for posters on specific projects.

During the event representatives from the industry will share their perspectives on R&D based on the development in the energy sector over the last years and the sector goals of cutting emissions in half in 2030 and to net-zero by 2050: what are the challenges, what is the R&D strategy of each company, and what should R&D institutions focus on to best solve the challenges together.

Likewise, universities and research institutes will present their expertise and research directions in areas relevant to the contemporary challenges faced by the industry.

The “Organising Committee” comprises of individuals from Force companies, university and research institution representatives to provide perspectives at an organizational level. Please feel free to also contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.


Dinner will be at SUMO Restaurant at 18:00

Skansegata 2, 4006 Stavanger
51 51 72 32






FORCE seminars have previously been fully booked with waiting lists so you are encouraged to sign up as soon as you know you will attend.

Participant fees for 2 days seminar + dinner
FORCE member: NOK 800,-
Non-member NOK 3000,-
University NOK 500,-
Student NOK 0,-

Important information:
You can register as a FORCE member and pay "FORCE member" price if you are an employee of a member company.
All FORCE member companies are listed here.

Payment is made online by credit card. Please note that no refunds will be given after you have signed up.
If you for any reason can not attend the workshop, you are welcome to send a representative, just inform Linn Smerud as soon as there are changes.

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Updated: 08/04/2022

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