Webinar:NORCE (Norwegian Research Centre) CCS projects

The CCS network group is happy to invite you to a webinar featuring NORCE Research. Tor Harald Sandve will be talking about CO2 Storage Simulation at Reservoir Scale, and Jonar Solbakken will be presenting on Near-Wellbore Effects during CO2 Injection. Don't miss out on this great event.

Date Time Duration Register by Location
19. Oct 2022 14:00 1 Hour 19. Oct 2022 Teams




Presentation 1:

CO2 Storage Simulation at Reservoir Scale (Tor Harald Sandve, PhD Applied Mathematics, Senior Researcher NORCE)


Summary of presentation:

Field scale simulations of CO2 storage give valuable input to decision makers during field the assessment, operation and the monitoring phase of the project. For robust decision, a large number of simulations are needed in order to map uncertainty, assimilate data and/or optimize the injection.  There is therefore a critical need for fast simulations tools that model the necessary physics in an efficient way. This presentation gives an introduction to the CO2 storage simulation capabilities in the open-source reservoir simulator OPM Flow.  

This includes field scale demonstration of CO2 injection on the Smeaheia and the Sleipner cases as well as presentation of a novel approach for efficient upscaling of convection driven dissolution.


BIO Tor Harald Sandve

Tor Harald Sandve is a senior researcher in NORCE (Norwegian Research Centre). He holds a PhD in applied mathematics and is one of the key developers of the OPM Flow reservoir simulator where he recently contributed a dedicated CO2 storage module. 



Presentation 2:

Near-Wellbore Effects during CO2 Injection (Jonas Solbakken, PhD Petroleum Technology, Senior Researcher NORCE)

Summary of presentation:

Critical to the efficient and safe implementation of geological carbon storage (GCS) is a detailed understanding of the flow and transport processes of CO2 in boreholes and the coupling with the reservoir. Wellbores in general have been identified as the most likely conduit for CO2 and brine leakage from GCS sites, especially those in sedimentary basins with historical hydrocarbon (oil and gas) production. On the other side, near-wellbore effects and phenomena, like salt precipitation, rock dissolution, Joule-Thomson cooling effect and hydrate formation can impair CO2 injectivity and impede CO2 injections at planned rates. Understanding and controlling the above-mentioned issues are important for handling CO2 flow assurance problems and for maintaining proper CO2 injectivity during the course of the injection period. Handling the coupled and combined CO2 flow assurance aspects, which both affect well integrity and near-wellbore injectivity, is the main topic of this presentation and also a current research-focus at NORCE.


BIO Jonas Solbakken

Jonas Solbakken is a senior researcher in NORCE (Norwegian Research Centre).

Solbakken holds a PhD in petroleum technology. He has mostly been working on challenges involving porous media flow, including EOR methods (Enhanced Oil Recovery), underground CO2 storage, and more recently on hydrogen safety & storage. Today, Solbakken is the center coordinator for HyValue, which is a Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) on hydrogen and hydrogen-based value-chain research lead by NORCE in collaboration with many academic and industrial partners.  




How a webinar works

You register as usual through the registration button above. Once you are registered you will get an invitation via email to join this webinar. 
FORCE uses Teams Video for this webinar, and has proven to work successfully. 

We recomment that everyone joining turn off their camera and microphone when joining.
If you have any questions you can use the chat or wait until the end of the talk.

FORCE seminars have previously been fully booked with waiting lists so you are encouraged to sign up as soon as you know you will attend.

Once you have registered, you will receive an outlook invitation with the Teams link. You will receive the link a few days prior to the webinar. 
You cannot forward the link to people who is not registered. 


Participation fees:
FORCE members: Free
Non-members: NOK 350,-
University/student: Free


Important information:
You can register as a FORCE member and pay "FORCE member" price if you are an employee of a member company.
All FORCE member companies are listed here.

Payment is made online by credit card. Please note that no refunds will be given after you have signed up.
If you for any reason can not attend the workshop, you are welcome to send a representative, just inform Linn Smerud as soon as there are changes. 



Updated: 24/10/2022

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