In-person Seminar @NPD: Faults from seismic interpretation to geo-model and flow simulator

fault from seismic.png

The Force Structural Geology Network Group will arrange a 2-day seminar with physical attendance and an evening-dinner for networking.

Date Time Duration Register by Location
31.05-01.06 2023 09:00 2 Days 24.05.2023 TOR - NPD




   Day 1,   31st of May 2023  Speaker
0900-0915 Welcome and introduction Signe Ottesen, Equinor
Session 1 Geophysical aspects, Seismic imaging and processing, ML of fault interpretation  
0915-0945 Automatic joint interpretation of horizon and faults using digitalized G&G logic, not machine learning Ø. Skjæveland, Equinor
0945-1015 AFIT - Assessment of Fault Interpretation Tools- A Project P. Kraemer, Wintershall
1015-1035 Case history: Advancing the seismic interpretation workflow with Machine Learning M. Dyrendahl, ESA
1035-1055 Case history: Data-centric AI for Efficient fault interpretation - Polheim Subplatform E. Holtar, Bluware
1055-1115 Case history: ML assisted subsurface characterization - Groningen Field A. Øvreeide, S. Manral, SLB
1115-1145 Discussion  
1130-1230 Lunch  
Session 2 Seismic interpretation   
1230-1315 Keynote presentation: Quantification of uncertainty in 3-D seismic interpretation Clare Bond,  The University of Aberdeen
   Implications for deterministic and stochastic geomodeling and machine learning  
Session 3 Fault Modelling & building the structural framework  
1315-1345 Fault interpretation uncertainty – A practitioner point of view. P. Kraemer, Wintershall
1345-1415 Providing structurally valid inputs for geomodelling. Examples from the Dønna Terrace. H. Anderson, AkerBp
15 min break    
1430-1500 Getting the most out of the Pillar Grid C. Townsend, Orec/UIS
1500-1530 Stochastic Fault Zone Analysis: Modelling Variable Throw patterns using Nested Parabolas N. Grant, ConocoPhillips
1530 -1600 Discussion   
1900  Conference Dinner, SUMO Restaurants HALL TOLL  
  Day 2,   June 1'st 2023  
Session 4 Core viewing and case studies presentations  
0900-1200 Shrek/Lunde Q. Fisher 
  Shrek/Lunde TaskFrontera
  Rock'n log-Fault properties in Argumented reality Signe Ottesen, Beate L. S. Olsen, Equinor
Session 5 The effects of faults in flow simulation  
1300-1330 Fault characterisation by integration of core CT scans and borehole image logs A. Petrik, Eriksfjord
1330-1400 The DynaGeo multidisciplinary dashboard: Integrating Fault communication and tracer information S. Ottesen, Equinor
1400-1430 Discussion and wrap up  



FORCE seminars have previously been fully booked with waiting lists so you are encouraged to sign up as soon as you know you will attend.

Participation fees:
FORCE members: NOK 1000,-
Non-members: NOK 3000,-
Student/University: NOK 500,-


Important information:
You can register as a FORCE member and pay "FORCE member" price if you are an employee of a member company.
All FORCE member companies are listed here.

Payment is made online by credit card. Please note that no refunds will be given after you have signed up. If you for any reason can not attend the workshop, you are welcome to send a representative, just inform Linn Smerud as soon as there are changes. 

Updated: 30/05/2023

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