Webinar: Discrete-Element Modelling (DEM) using “cdem” from expert-user HPC code to a desktop application


Example Cdem simulation results showing both final state geometry and total maximum shear strain. A. 30o dipping normal fault. B. 50o dipping reverse fault. C. Caldera. D. Shortening above a detachment fault.

The structural geology network group invites you to a webinar on CDEM. Stuart Hardy from HARDY Geoscience will be talking about discrete-Element Modelling (DEM) using “cdem” from expert-user HPC code to a desktop application. Don't miss out on this great event.

Date Time Duration Register by Location
20. September 2023 12:00 1 Hour 20. Sept2023 Teams



For many years discrete element modelling has been perceived as the realm of the expert-user running codes with steep-learning curves on powerful machines. Here I present our geologically-centred approach to discrete-element modeling “cdem”. cdem is suite of codes that allow modelling of structure and stratigraphy at a variety of scales and with a rich capability regarding boundary conditions, rheology and post-processing/analysis of results.

Like all discrete-element models, we treat a 2D geological section as an assembly of circular (or spherical in 3D) elements which have a variety of contact laws and thus mechanical behaviours. cdem itself is (for the moment) a macOS application which allows a wide variety of simulations to be set-up and run – boundary conditions, mechanical stratigraphy and growth sedimentation can all be varied. What distinguishes cdem from other approaches is the encapsulation of simulations as a single document/experiment and the rich variety of post-processing/analysis that can be applied to the results. A wide variety of model attributes (both incremental and total) can be examined to characterize a simulation – displacement, strain, stress, principal axes etc.

However, what makes cdem standout is its ability to import data from much higher-resolution simulations. These can be run remotely using the terminal version of the application: cdem2DPro. cdem2DPro can be compiled and run on Linux, Windows or macOS and includes a wider variety of boundary conditions, rheologies and mechanical stratigraphy configurations. These simulations produce results which import seamlessly into cdem – even over a network whilst the simulation is still running.

An explanation of the code’s functionality and its application to a variety structural- stratigraphic problems at different scales will be given. The use of the code in a “desktop” mode and as a post-processor will be demonstrated. The application of the model to elucidate structure and stratigraphy and to characterise strain/fracturing across structures at seismic and sub-seismic scales will be discussed and illustrated. Future developments and opportunities for bespoke research and consultancy will also be explored.


FORCE seminars have previously been fully booked with waiting lists so you are encouraged to sign up as soon as you know you will attend.

Participation fees:

FORCE members: Free
Non-members: NOK 500,-
University/ Student: Free

How a webinar works

You register as usual through the registration button above. Once you are registered you will get an invitation via email to join this webinar. 
FORCE uses Teams Video for this webinar, and has proven to work successfully. 

We recomment that everyone joining turn off their camera and microphone when joining.
If you have any questions you can use the chat or wait until the end of the talk.

FORCE seminars have previously been fully booked with waiting lists so you are encouraged to sign up as soon as you know you will attend.


Important information:

You can register as a FORCE member and pay "FORCE member" price if you are an employee of a member company.
All FORCE member companies are listed here.

Payment is made online by credit card or VIPPS. Please note that no refunds will be given after you have signed up.
If you for any reason cannot attend the workshop, you are welcome to send a representative, just inform Linn Smerud as soon as there are changes. 

If you need to cancel your registration, please use the confirmation e-mail you received when you signed up.

If the seminar/webinar is cancelled, your payment will be refunded. 

For other questions, please contact Linn Smerud or Tone Mydland.


Norwegian Petroleum Directorate org.no: 870917732

Once you have registered, you will receive an outlook invitation with the Teams link. You will receive the link a few days prior to the webinar. 
You cannot forward the link to people who is not registered. 

Updated: 20/09/2023

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