In-person: Structural Reservoir Compartmentalisation

fault comp.JPG

Figure 1: illustrations courtesy of GeoTeric. Copyright 2020, Offshore Technology Conference.

Structural Geology network group presents a 2-day seminar on  Structural Reservoir Compartmentalisation.

Date Time Duration Register by Location
18-19 Sept 2024 09:00 2 Days 11. September 2024 TOR, NOD Entrance




   Day 1, 18th of September Speaker
0900-0930 Registration and coffe  
0930-0945 Welcome and introduction H. Anderson, Aker BP
0945-1030 Keynote: Practical considerations for fault seal analysis John G. Solum, Shell
Session 1 Fault seal predictions  
1030 -1100 Uncertainties in fault sealing calculations: what is it and how should we respond? C. Hermansrud, Equinor
1100-1115 Coffee break  
1115-1145 Experiences of SGR/Fault Permeability curves S. Ottesen, Equinor   
1145 -1215 Integrating Overpressure Data to Refine Fault Permeability Predictions: Lessons from the Njord Field P. Muller, Equinor
1215-1230 Discussion  
1230-1325 Lunch  
Session 2  Fault geometry,fault seal and leakage  
1325-1330 Short Introduction Einar Sverdrup, Aker BP
1330- 1415 Keynote: Basin analysis/pore pressure analysis to define compartmentalization Stephen O' Connor 
1415-1445 Estimating fault zone permeability from petrophysical data and history matching in the Ærfugl field, Norwegian Sea H. Anderson, A. Stav, J. Ciccarelli, A. Hjellbakk & D. Mirza, Aker BP
1445 - 1500 Coffee break  
1500 -1530 Fracture connectivity & permeability by using high-resolution borehole image logs A. Petrick, UiO 
1530 -1600 Low Acoustic Impedance within Fault Zones of the Wisting Field: Gas leakage or fault damage zone? J. H. Butcher, N. Cardozo, L. Schulte, L. Rojo, UiS 
1600-1615 Discussion  
1900 Conference Dinner @ SUMO Hall toll  
  Day 2,  19th of September  
0900-0905 Short introduction S. Ottesen, Equinor
Session 3 CO2 storage  
0905-0950 Keynote:  Structural derisking for CO2 storage E. Skurtveit, NGI/UIO
0950-1020 CO2 storage on the Horda Platform: Assessing structural complexities and fault-seal integrity Nora Holden, UIO
1020-1030 Discussion   
1030-1100 Integrated structural interpretation of the Valhall Field, Norwegian North Sea Lars Ulsund Frette, Eirik Serigstad, Hugh Anderson – Aker BP
1100- 1200 Core session: Faults in core  
  Faults in core Njord, cores from  6407/7-2 & 6407/7-4 Signe Ottesen, Equinor
  Faults in Yggdrasil Cores Hugh Anderson, Aker BP
1200-1255 Lunch  
Session 4 Fault geometries - AI/ML  
1255-1300 Short Introduction Jon Hansen, Vår Energi
1300-1345 Keynote: Unraveling fault geometry and properties   A. Torabi, UIO
1345 -1415 Ivar Aasen AI fault interpretation gives new insights A. Ouri, Sval Energi
1415 - 1430  Break  
1430-1500 Detecting Subtle faults using Seismic Tiles  Ø. M. Skjæveland, C. I Colombo Nilsen, Equinor
1500-1530 Structural geomodeling and AI: A practitioner point of view P. Kraemer, Wintershall Dea
1530-1545 Discussion and wrap up  

FORCE seminars have previously been fully booked with waiting lists so you are encouraged to sign up as soon as you know you will attend.

Participation fees:
FORCE members: NOK 2000,-
Non-members: NOK 4000,-
University/Students: NOK 500,-

Important information:

You can register as a FORCE member and pay "FORCE member" price if you are an employee of a member company.
All FORCE member companies are listed here.

Payment is made online by credit card or VIPPS. Please note that no refunds will be given after you have signed up.
If you for any reason cannot attend the workshop, you are welcome to send a representative, just inform the FORCE Secretariat as soon as there are changes. 

If you need to cancel your registration, please use the confirmation e-mail you received when you signed up.

If the seminar/webinar is cancelled, your payment will be refunded. 

For other questions, please contact the FORCE Secretariat

Norwegian Petroleum Directorate 870917732

Updated: 25/09/2024

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