Joining Forces- Solving the energy challenges together

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Joining Forces would like to welcome you to a 1-day seminar with dinner. The ambition of the seminar is to strengthen collaboration between the energy industry and Norwegian academic and research institutions to bring about valuable R&D projects that contribute to the key challenges that the energy industry is facing today.

Date Time Duration Register by Location
10. April 09-1630 1 Day 4. April Valhall- Havtil Entrance




  Wednesday 10th of April
0830-0900 Registration and coffee
0900-0910 Introduction & Ambitions: Claire Richardson-Dissel on behalf of organizing committee
0910-0935 Keynote - Sokkeldirektoratet's perspectives - Nadine Mader-Kayser
0935-1000 Keynote - OG21: the importance of Norwegian Energy supply to Europe during the Energy Transition - Gunnar Hjelmtveit Lille
1000-1015 Coffee Break - Networking
1015-1045 Force TC groups presentations: Piotr Kabulski (Improved Exloration), Johanna Normann Ravnås (Sustainable Recovery), Georgios Samouilides (Energy Efficiency)
1045-1200 Industry examples: How can Research and Technology unlock the imagined future?
  AIming for innovation: chatgpt for improved exploration Pierre-Yves Raya Wintershall Dea
  inflow control technology Kåre Langaas AkerBP
  Technology journey on OL reservoir and seabed monitoring Egil Syre Shell
  eCalc Margrete Hånes Equinor
  3D and 4D simultaneous Ross Milne AkerBP
  On-demand additive manufacturing Trine Boyer VårEnergi
  seismic with seabed fiber Bjarte Foseide + Espen Raknes AkerBP
1200-1230 Lunch & mingle
1230-1310 Research & Academia Exhibition - research institutes and academia have stands on general strategy, capabilities, strengths    
1315- 1345 Parallel Sessions - Improved Exploration Parallel Sessions - Sustainable Recovery Parallel Sessions - Energy Efficiency & Environment
1350- 1420 Parallel Sessions - Improved Exploration Parallel Sessions - Sustainable Recovery Parallel Sessions - Energy Efficiency & Environment
1425- 1455 Parallel Sessions - Improved Exploration Parallel Sessions - Sustainable Recovery Parallel Sessions - Energy Efficiency & Environment
1455-1530 Coffee Break    
1530- 1615 Panel debate "The big  topics": energy trilemma, collaboration, funding and investment, attracting talent
1615- 1630 Close-out (including feedback menti)    
1630 Dinner and drinks from 16.30 in canteen    


Theme Organisation Presenter Title
Improved Exploration NORCE Tongtong Yu Intermittent Multiphase Fluid Flow in Porous Media and the Effect on Injectivity and Reservoir Performance
Improved Exploration UiS Norman Urrez, Kate Powell Palaeozoic exploration in the North Sea - the PaBas project
Improved Exploration UiS Daniele Blancone, Anaelle Guillevic Exploring sustainable options in the Norwegian North Sea : Geothermal energy and H2 storage in salt caverns
Improved Exploration University of Oslo Madeleine Skov Nygård PALMAR JIP: Paleogene Basin Development on the Vøring and Møre Margins
Improved Exploration UNIS Snorre Olaussen Svalbox: an educational geospatial portal of integrated digital outcrop models
Improved Exploration UNIS Rafael Horota VRSvalbard
Improved Exploration NGI Lars Grande
Sustainable Recovery UiS Jasem Abasi Physics Informed Artificial Intelligence (AI): Applications for the History Matching and Interpretation of Complex Core Scale Experiments
Sustainable Recovery UiS Mahmood Fani, Veronika Abdulina IOR solutions for lower emissions
Sustainable Recovery NORCE Jan Ludvig Vinningland IORSim - A field-scale geochemical solver
Sustainable Recovery NORCE Mathias Methlie Nilsen Robust Wind-powered Well Control Optimization
Sustainable Recovery NORCE Peter von Schulzendorff A machine-learned near-well model in OPM
Sustainable Recovery NTNU Alexey Pavlov BRU21
Sustainable Recovery SINTEF/ NORCE Knut Andreas Lie OPM
Sustainable Recovery NORCE Olav Aursjø Workflow for Direct Pore-scale Simulation of Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure Curves at Low Capillary Numbers
Sustainable Recovery NORCE Arne Stavland Water Control - How to Use Oil Soluble Compounds to Selectively Reduce the Water Permeability
Energy Efficiency NTNU Milan Stanko SUBPro Zero
Energy Efficiency UiS Wendpanga Jean Donald Minougou, Mojtaba Ghaedi  Challenges of Underground Hydrogen and CO2 Storage
Energy Efficiency UiS Peyman Kor Decision and Data Analytics for Subsurface Resource Management
Energy Efficiency NORCE Nematollah Zamani How proper reservoir characterization and injection strategy can be used to manage salt precipitation in CO2 storage
Energy Efficiency NORCE John Zuta SCAL model for CCS – Insights from the first commercial CO2 project on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, Northern Lights
Energy Efficiency NORCE Roman Berenbleyum Subsurface site within the energy value chain
Energy Efficiency NORCE Johan Olav Helland Trapping and Ostwald ripening of gas in the presence of oil and water in subsurface storage
Energy Efficiency NORCE Ying Guo, Reza Askarinezhad NORCE Technology Park at Risavika – Test centre for Renewable Energy and Biotechnology for Circular Economy


FORCE seminars have previously been fully booked with waiting lists so you are encouraged to sign up as soon as you know you will attend.

Participation fees:
FORCE members: NOK 1500,-
Non-members: NOK 3000,-
University/Students: NOK 500,-

Important information:

You can register as a FORCE member and pay "FORCE member" price if you are an employee of a member company.
All FORCE member companies are listed here.

Payment is made online by credit card or VIPPS. Please note that no refunds will be given after you have signed up.
If you for any reason cannot attend the workshop, you are welcome to send a representative, just inform Linn Smerud as soon as there are changes. 

If you need to cancel your registration, please use the confirmation e-mail you received when you signed up.

If the seminar/webinar is cancelled, your payment will be refunded. 

For other questions, please contact Linn Smerud or Tone Mydland.


Norwegian Petroleum Directorate 870917732

Updated: 11/04/2024

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