In-person: BASE – Basement fracturing and weathering on- and offshore Norway

Grussy saprolite, Hadseløya (Nordland)
The BASE research group at the Geological Survey of Norway and University of Bologna invites you to join us for a 2-day seminar with dinner to share the latest knowledge on crystalline basement blocks on- and offshore Norway. This seminar is presented by the two FORCE network groups structural geology and sedimentology and stratigraphy. Don't miss out on this great event.
Date | Time | Duration | Register by | Location |
7-8 May 2025 | 11:00 | 2 Days | 1. May | TOR, NOD Entrance Stavanger |
This conference aims to bring together experts, researchers, and industry professionals to discuss innovative analytical, technical and conceptual tools and the generation of new geochronological constraints upon- and quantitative understanding of the key processes that govern fracturing, faulting, and weathering of the crystalline basement on- and offshore Norway. The ambition is to share novel and innovative research on fractured and weathered crystalline basement plays, aiming for improved geological knowledge and guidance and advice for these unconventional hydrocarbon plays
Prelimenary Program:
Wednesday 07th May
1100 - 1200: Registration
1200 - 1300: Lunch
Topic 1: Tectonic evolution of crystalline basement, on- and offshore Norway
1300 – 1330: Giulio Viola, University of Bologna, Italy: Brittle structural features in crystalline basements: a magic ingredient to seismicity, deformation, mineralization, fluid ingress, landscape development and…
1330 – 1350: Per Terje Osmundsen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology: Long-term tectono-morphological evolution of the mid-Norwegian margin
1350 – 1410: Deta Gasser, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences: A review of Ordovician continental arc magmatism from the Utsira High to Helgeland
1410 – 1430: Laurent Gernigon, Geological Survey of Norway: Understanding volcanic margin evolution through the lens of Norway’s youngest granite
1430 – 1500: Break
Topic 2: Characterization and alteration processes of fractured and weathered basement
1500 – 1530: Lars Riber, Ronald Sørlie, AkerBP ASA, Norway: Unlocking basement reservoirs – recent advances in hydrocarbon production from crystalline basement in the Edvard Grieg field
1530 - 1550: Kristian Drivenes, Geological Survey of Norway: “From Arc Magmas to Saprolites – Examples from the Rolvsnes Magmatic Complex, Bømlo, W. Norway”.
1550 - 1610: Bradley Goodfellow, Swedish Geological Survey: Bedrock cracking and chemical weathering in the Swedish critical zone
1610 – 1630: Beatrix Heller, Museum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris, France:” Temporal evolution of Amazonian laterites reconstructed from mineralogy, geochemistry and geochronology".
1630 – 1900: Refreshments and Posters
1900: Dinner
Thursday 08th May
Topic 3: Analytical toolbox to characterize, date, and model fractured and weathered basement
0900 – 0930: Jess McBeck, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway: In situ observations of real contact area of a rough mode I fracture under differential stress
0930 – 0950: Jasmin Schönenberger, Geological Survey of Norway, Norway: Analytical efficiency at its best: from sample to age, from mineralogy to climate conditions
0950 - 1010: Matthew Hodge University of Bologna, Italy: Capturing secondary permeability and fracture connectivity through geological time by fracture back-stripping
1010 – 1030: Alejandro Piraquive, Geological Survey of Norway, Norway: From Crystals to Fjords: cooling and exhumation trends in Norway from apatite fission-track petrochronology
1030 – 1100: Break
Topic 4: Basement uplift, exhumation, and erosion on- and offshore Norway
1100 - 1130: Odleiv Olesen, Geological Survey of Norway, Norway: Jurassic legacy of the geomorphological development in Mid Norway
1130 - 1150: Helge Løseth, Equinor ASA, Norway: Offshore Neogene and Quaternary geological history linked to onshore topography
1150 – 1210: Peter van der Beek, University of Potsdam, Germany: “Topographic evolution of the Norwegian mountains throughout Pliocene-Quaternary glaciations and the origin of high-elevation low-relief surfaces: insights from high-resolution thermochronology and glacial landscape-evolution modelling
1210 – 1230: Peter Japsen, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Denmark: “The post-Caledonian formation of the Scandes: How burial and exhumation shaped the landscape of southern Norway”.
1230 – 1330: Lunch
Topic 5: Geomorphology, weathering and climate on- and offshore Norway
1330 – 1400: Thomas Blaise, University of Paris-Saclay, France: Bedrock chemical weathering in Norway recorded by the Albian Agat formation in the Norwegian North Sea
1400 – 1420: Ola Fredin, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway: Landforms and landscapes of weathered basement rocks
1420 – 1440. Vivi Pedersen, Aarhus University, Denmark: “How Quaternary landscape evolution has driven isostatic adjustments and surface uplift in Scandinavia – with implication for the Norwegian Strandflat”.
1440 – 1500: Jochen Knies, Geological Survey of Norway, Norway: Mesozoic climate and weathering on- and offshore Norway and Concluding Remarks
1500: Final conclusion and end of seminar
FORCE seminars have previously been fully booked with waiting lists so you are encouraged to sign up as soon as you know you will attend.
Participation fees Stavanger:
FORCE members: NOK 2000,-
Non-members: NOK 4000,-
University/Students: NOK 500,-
Important information:
You can register as a FORCE member and pay "FORCE member" price if you are an employee of a member company.
All FORCE member companies are listed here.
Payment is made online by credit card or VIPPS. Please note that no refunds will be given after you have signed up.
If you for any reason cannot attend the workshop, you are welcome to send a representative, just inform the FORCE Secretariat as soon as there are changes.
If you need to cancel your registration, please use the confirmation e-mail you received when you signed up.
If the seminar/webinar is cancelled, your payment will be refunded.
For other questions, please contact the FORCE Secretariat
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate 870917732
Updated: 10/03/2025