Improved Exploration

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Improved Exploration is one main focus area for research and technology development within FORCE.

TC Members

Atle Folkestad Equinor
Catarina Marta Amaro OMV Norge AS
Andreas Helsem OKEA
Marli Blumenwitz WinterShall Dea
Matteo Gennaro Vår Energi
Piotr Kabulski PGNiG
Karen Savoretti AkerBP
Stig Morten Knudsen Norwegian Offshore Directorate


The goal is to stimulate experience exchange and competence building to achieve more oil and gas discoveries on the NCS.

The work is organized through: Technical Committee, network groups and project groups.

Network groups

The network groups within FORCE are an important arena for the companies to exchange information through for example workshops, seminars and fieldtrips.

All members are welcome to join any network group. Please note that some networks only allow one member per company.

Please contact the chairman to join a network group. The contact information is listed on the network page.


Roles/expectations for members of FORCE
network groups/committees:

  • Being a member of a network group gives you a chance to build and broaden your network. It also gives you an extended scientific overview and a chance to highlight your favourite topics. 
  • Force is a cooperating forum based on knowledge sharing. That means your knowledge and your sharing!
  • As a member of a network-or project group, it is suggested that you use your engagement for the following:
  1. Attending meetings. If you can’t attend, try to find a representative in your company or participate by video.
  2. Being active, participate in discussions, planning and tasks.
  3. Being a member of at least one seminar committee in a 2 year period.
  4. Being the contact point between FORCE and your company, involving relevant staff.
  5. Being positive! Spread ideas and great things can happen.
  • We experience that few and often the same people are doing all the work. With the points above, we will have a vital forum with many good discussions and sharing of knowledge, where all members contribute with their competence. 
  • We know a working situation can change giving you less/no time for FORCE. If you see that you can’t contribute in FORCE, please notify your group giving room for a replacement.


Updated: 27/02/2025

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