Lunch & Learn: Integrated geomodelling for construction and civil engineering projects – expanding the use oil industry technologies (good and bad!).


29/10/2021 Welcome to a new live event at the NPD. The integrated reservoir modelling network group has the pleasure of inviting you to a lunch & learn featuring the topic: Integrated geomodelling for construction and civil engineering projects – expanding the use oil industry technologies (good and bad!). The lunch & learn will be presented by Lars Edward Rygg Kjellesvik from Digital Geologi AS.

Over the last thirty years the oil industry has taken great strides in understanding and modelling the subsurface. From a starting point of 2D-sections and decline curve analyses multidisciplinary teams now build subsurface models integrating all available data with geological and other discipline knowledge, which allows for realistic predictions for exploration, development and production purposes.

Sign up here!

Updated: 29/10/2021