Webinar: Along-strike stratigraphic response to normal fault growth: sediment sources, stacking and surfaces

Figure 12B_along-strike fans.png

28/06/2021 Structural Geology network group has the pleasure of inviting you to this webinar featuring Bonita Barrett, a Sr Geologist at Equinor ASA. She will be talking about "Along-strike stratigraphic response to normal fault growth: sediment sources, stacking and surfaces". So join us before your summer holiday.

Normal fault growth yields an along-strike displacement distribution that is critical for controlling the evolving landscape and its preserved state, through generation of accommodation and slope gradients. From source to sink, the tectonic evolution shapes the degree of fault scarp degradation, sediment routing, style of deposition and preserved architecture.

We observe and utilise along-strike architectural responses to variable allogenic controls to reduce uncertainty and improve interpretations and predictions of shallow marine, syn-rift stratigraphy around normal fault blocks. Novel geometric and volumetric approaches are applied through numerical modelling, field (Gulf of Corinth, Greece) and subsurface analysis (northern Carnarvon Basin, NW Shelf, Australia).

We distinguish antecedent vs consequent basin sediment entry points, with implications on reservoir quality prediction. We unravel and quantify controlling parameters acting on a basin and constrain diachroneity of key stratigraphic surfaces, with an approach that could improve correlation uncertainty.

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Updated: 28/06/2021