Webinar: Overview of subsurface research activities for carbon storage on the NCS

02/12/2021 Welcome to the first webinar from the new network group Carbon Capture and Storage. Elin Skurtveit will be presenting an overview of the NCCS subsurface research activity as well as some more detailed results from ongoing research activities . Don't miss out on this great event.

Elin Skurtveit is task leader in The Norwegian CCS centre, NCCS. She is a structural geologist with focus on faults, fractures and the integration of geology and geomechanics. In NCCS she leads the task on Structural Derisking. In this L&L she will present an overview of the NCCS subsurface research activity as well as some more detailed results from ongoing research activities including:

  • Structural characterization work for the Horda platform area
  • Identification of geological risks related to CO2 storage
  • Improvements for fault stability analysis and fault leakage rates models

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Updated: 02/12/2021