In-person seminar: PSA & geochemistry conference


06/09/2022 The Petroleum Systems network group is delighted to announce its second conference, the first physical event after nearly 2 years of covid-restrictions. The event will focus on non-HC components in petroleum and source rocks (H2S, mercury, CO2, metals), reservoir geochemistry and the understanding, modelling and risking of petroleum charge and migration. Join us on September 22-23.

The seminar is a two-day event taking place at NPD, in Stavanger. Join us for 2 days with detailed discussion of reservoir geochemistry, petroleum charge and migration, with a variety of case studies from the oil companies, academic institutes,
service and governmental institutions show-casing discoveries and lessons learned from dry wells as well as approaches for reducing the risk associated to these key petroleum system elements.

Sign up here!

Updated: 06/09/2022