Webinar: Controls of bulk petroleum compositions in conventional and unconventional petroleum systems

03/06/2022 The petroleums systems network is happy to invite you to a webinar featuring Nicolaj Mahlstedt from GEOS4. He will be talking about the Controls of bulk petroleum compositions in conventional and unconventional petroleum systems. Don't miss out on this amazing webinar on June 9th.

Producing unconventional petroleum fluids is different to producing conventional petroleum fluids, and the same applies to pre-drill petroleum properties prediction.

In the webinar we will present recent case studies on how we use a combination of MSSV-pyrolysis and PVT modelling in the PhaseKinetics approach to successfully predict bulk petroleum composition and physical state (GOR, number of phases, saturation pressure) in conventional plays, and on how and why the same protocols have to be adjusted for fluid property prediction in unconventional settings.

Sign up here!

Updated: 03/06/2022