Webinar: Long term experience of CO2 injection and monitoring on the Norwegian continental shelf

26/10/2022 Carbon capture and storage network group is happy to present this webinar featuring Anne-Kari Furre from Equinor. She will be talking about the regulatory framework for CO2 storage monitoring for NCS and describe the dedicated monitoring programmes for Sleipner and Snøhvit, respectively. Don't miss out on this great webinar on November 15.

CO2 has been stored for more than 26 years on the Norwegian Continental shelf, in the Sleipner and Snøhvit projects, respectively. Between these two sites there is quite some variability in top side facilities, reservoir quality and depth. This variability has consequences for well design and monitoring solutions. During this FORCE seminar I will present the regulatory framework for CO2 storage monitoring for NCS and describe the dedicated monitoring programmes for Sleipner and Snøhvit, respectively. We will finalise by inspecting the latest time-lapse seismic monitoring results including a newly generated movie visualising the CO2 plume development for Sleipner.

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Updated: 26/10/2022