Webinar: Machine learning based oil family classification above 62° North – method and some observations

17/03/2022 Welcome to a webinar arranged by the FORCE Petroleum Systems network. This one-hour talk will be given by Benedikt Lerch. Lerch will be talking about Machine learning based oil family classification above 62° North – method and some observations. Join us on March 24.


Unsupervised and supervised machine learning algorithms were applied on two large geochemical data sets from the Norwegian Sea (N = 253) and from the Barents Sea (N = 86). The unsupervised approach allows the algorithm to find similarities among the samples without giving pre-defined attributes. Two different approaches were tested for the unsupervised method.  1) All available geochemical data i.e. light hydrocarbons, aromatics, biomarkers and fraction isotopes were combined in one single dataset and used without pre-screening, and 2) the datasets were carefully examined with regards to sample type (oil vs. condensate), contamination and data integrity.

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Updated: 17/03/2022