Webinar: Traditional and machine learning techniques applied to oil-source correlation in the Norwegian Sea: Åre we able to end the Spekk-ulation?


29/11/2022 The petroleum systems network group invites you to a webinar featuring David Gardiner from IGI. He will be presenting on traditional and machine learning techniques applied to oil-source correlation in the Norwegian Sea: Åre we able to end the Spekk-ulation? Join us on Dec 1st.

Oil-source correlation traditionally focusses on integrating common isotopic and biomarker characteristics of rock extract and fluid samples in what can be regarded as a “bottom-up” approach. However, in data-rich areas we can begin to utilise these large databases by using a “top-down” approach, utilising advanced statistics and machine learning. Top-down modelling and machine learning are increasingly fashionable tools within relatively data-rich areas of exploration, helping to place information from traditional “bottom-up” modelling into a regional, big picture, spatial context.

Read more and sign up here!

Updated: 29/11/2022