Webinar:NORCE (Norwegian Research Centre) CCS projects

04/10/2022 The CCS network group is happy to invite you to a webinar featuring NORCE Research. Tor Harald Sandve will be talking about CO2 Storage Simulation at Reservoir Scale, and Jonar Solbakken will be presenting on Near-Wellbore Effects during CO2 Injection. Don't miss out on this great event on Oct the 19th.

Presentation 1:

CO2 Storage Simulation at Reservoir Scale (Tor Harald Sandve, PhD Applied Mathematics, Senior Researcher NORCE)


Summary of presentation:

Field scale simulations of CO2 storage give valuable input to decision makers during field the assessment, operation and the monitoring phase of the project. For robust decision, a large number of simulations are needed in order to map uncertainty, assimilate data and/or optimize the injection.  There is therefore a critical need for fast simulations tools that model the necessary physics in an efficient way. This presentation gives an introduction to the CO2 storage simulation capabilities in the open-source reservoir simulator OPM Flow.  

This includes field scale demonstration of CO2 injection on the Smeaheia and the Sleipner cases as well as presentation of a novel approach for efficient upscaling of convection driven dissolution.

Read more and sign up here!

Updated: 04/10/2022