Webinar: Digital work instructions - interface between onshore and offshore organizations

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04/12/2023 Well Technology & Drilling invites to a webinar on digital work instructions at the interface between onshore planning and offshore organization. Speakers from Wintershall Dea, Odfjell Drilling and Keystone will share their views. Don't miss out on this great event.

In our industry we come across work instructions in all different ways and forms. The instruction issued to the drill crew is at the heart of drilling operations and of special importance to safe and efficient execution. It needs to be clear, precise and provide the right level of detail. Providing access to the right information at the right time and managing change is a challenge in dynamic work environments. New systems and ways of working aim to eliminate paper copies and streamline the flow of information form the planning team all the way to the driller. Join us for three interesting presentations sharing operators, rig contractors and developers’ views on implementation of digital work instructions to tackle these challenges, where we are as an industry and what the future might bring.

Sign up here.

Updated: 04/12/2023