Webinar: Organic chemostratigraphy of Lower–Upper Triassic organic-rich mudstones in Svalbard


Svalbard. Dr. Ferdrik Wesenlund.

22/02/2023 The Petroleum Systems network group invites you to a webinar on Organic chemostratigraphy of Lower–Upper Triassic organic-rich mudstones in Svalbard. Dr. Ferdrik Wesenlund, Research Centre for Arctic Petroleum Exploration (ARCEx), UiT the Arctic University of Norway will be presenting.

Triassic organic-rich black shales are regionally important source rock units on the Norwegian Barents Shelf, with proven liquid hydrocarbon contributions in, e.g., the Goliat Field in the South and the Wisting Field towards North.

On Svalbard, lateral facies-equivalent, Spathian–Carnian black shales are relatively easy to access and sample, allowing a rare opportunity to investigate the stratigraphic development of Triassic source rock equivalents on the Norwegian Barents Shelf.

Read more and sign up here.

Updated: 22/02/2023