Webinar: Salt structure and strain development in the eastern Mediterranean, and Kurdistan Oil Field trapping mechanisms

Eastern med composite fig_Evans and Jackson 2021.png

31/03/2023 Structural geology network group invites you to a webinar on salt structure and strain development in the eastern Mediterranean, and Kurdistan Oil Field trapping mechanisms. Sian Lianne Evans from UIO and Nils Bang from DNO will be presenting. Don't miss out on this great event on April 12.


Sian Lianne Evans (UiO) : Salt structure and strain development in the eastern Mediterranean: an analogue for early-stage salt basin evolution and implications for CC'


Nils Bang (DNO): Kurdistan Oil Field trapping mechanisms. A story of dynamic seals, breached seals and oil seeps. Quantifying fault sealing capacity with examples from the Tawke Field, Kurdistan, Iraq

Read more and sign up here. 

Updated: 31/03/2023