Ensemble data: Call for feedback on guideline

IRM nyhet.png

Illustration of a full filed reservoir model showing oil (green), gas (red) and water (blue). Illustration: SLB

In 2023, a group under the FORCE umbrella drew up a guideline for sharing ensemble data in production licences. Now it’s time for a review.

When multiple models are created for a specific reservoir (ensemble), this results in a lot of data. The sharing of too much or too little are both problematic. The consequence could be that licensees are unable to exercise due diligence, or that they cannot participate in a constructive manner when decisions are made.

Read the guideline here.

A cross-functional group under FORCE (Integrated Reservoir Modelling group) drew up a guideline that functions both from an operator and a partner perspective.

The companies involved are - in alphabetical order - Aker BP, ConocoPhillips, Equinor, Petoro, PGNiG, Resoptima, TotalEnergies, Vår Energi and Wintershall Dea Norge. The Norwegian Offshore Directorate coordinated this effort.

Guideline rather than a standard

The document is written as a guideline rather than a standard, since each field or modelling project has different needs. The guideline defines which data the licensees in a production licence should share, and in which format.

The objective was not to provide an exhaustive list of suggestions, which means that this guideline should not be construed as a restriction on what can be shared.

During the writing process, it became apparent that early involvement and ongoing collaboration between the parties is the key to using ensemble data in decision processes – rather than mandatory sharing and checklists.

The first edition of the guideline has been in circulation for the past year. Now it’s time to assess both how it is used, and its overall usefulness.

“We appreciate both constructive feedback and highlighting the areas that are covered well! This will assist us in determining which areas need improvement, as well as areas that we don’t need to change.” says Sophie Haseldonckx of the Norwegian Offshore Directorate, who will be coordinating this effort.


Here are three alternative ways you can provide feedback by the end of August 2024:

  • If your company participated in creating the document, please contact “your” work group member listed in the document.
  • Provide feedback to your company’s representative in the Integrated Reservoir Modelling Network.
  • You can send feedback to postboks@sodir.no using "Feedback – FORCE – Guideline for sharing ensemble data" in the subject field, see footnote.

The plan is to assemble the work group in September 2024 to review the feedback together, and to draw up a plan for the ongoing work.

“We’d love to welcome new, enthusiastic and active members to the work group!”, says Haseldonckx.

FOOTNOTE: Please note that correspondence will be treated as a case document, and as such will be registered in the Norwegian Offshore Directorate’s journal. Case documents and correspondence registers are public information, unless otherwise indicated by relevant statutes or regulations. Anyone can apply for access to case documents and registers.

Updated: 20/06/2024

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