
FORCE is the host of many interesting projects. The initiative starts in the network groups and is an important part in the knowledge sharing, which is the basic idea and the reason for founding the forum.
The project groups within FORCE have spesific scopes to impact exploration success and increase reserves in the producing fields. The basic idea behind the project groups is the create cross-lincensees' intercompany collaboration within exploration, EOR piloting and implementation.
Project inititation
Research institustions and industry are invited to make proposals for projects, by contacting any member of the technical committees or network groups.
Every year, new project proposals are presented, carefully reviewed and selected. Shortly after a project has been selected, a steering committee is set and the project is born as a partly independant part of FORCE. This means that all communication, documents and finds, stay with the project and the project members until they possibly decide to share results with the rest of the forum.
The projects are financed by the project members, and not through the general FORCE membership fee.
The project members often come from several different oil and gas companies and research institutions, which makes it quite unique because you have very different backgrounds, knowledge and traditions coming together, producing interesting results.
Updated: 30/12/2023