
T. Eidvin, F. Riis, E. S. Rasmussen & Y. Rundberg, 2013. New layout 2021

The authors extend their thanks to Jan Allan Eide, Svein Finnestad, Birgitte Madland and Alf B. Stensøy for their important technical assistance

and to Dag Bering, Tom Bugge (det norske oljeselskap ASA), Karen Dybkjær (Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland), Ine T. Gjeldvik, Dag Helliksen, Wenche Tjelta Johansen, Christian Magnus, Atle Mørk (SINTEF Petroleum Research), Stephan Piasecki (Geological Museum, Natural History Museum of Denmark), Morten Smelror (Geological Survey of Norway), Robert Williams, Anke Wolff and Jon Arne Øverland for important discussions. Special thanks go to Rune Goa who has drawn most of the figures, Sven A. Bäcksröm (Applied Petroleum Technology) for helpful comments on the final manuscript, Chris King (private consultant) for helpful comments on the final manuscript, Jan Sverre Laberg (University of Tromsø) for helpful comments on the final manuscript, Oddbjørn Nevestveit who helped out with web-technical matters, Dag Ottesen (Exploro AS) for helpful comments on an earlier version of the manuscript, Tone M. Tjelta Hansen and Inger M. Rovik who have prepared most of the fossil samples, David Roberts (Geological Survey of Norway) who has improved the language, Yuval Ronen (University of Bergen) who has executed most of the strontium isotope analyses and to Statoil ASA for supplying sidewall cores. If not stated otherwise the supporters are employed at the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. We acknowledge the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate and Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland for permission to publish.