This report evaluates development projects approved on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) in 2007-18 and the experience gained by the industry related to their execution.
2 – Summary
The NPD has reviewed 66 developments pursued on the NCS between 2007 and 2018. This review shows that most of the projects end up with costs which fall within the estimates given in the PDO.
3 – Developments on the NCS
This chapter addresses changes related to the industry, the market and regulation by the authorities since 2013.
4 – Project execution on the NCS
This chapter summarises experience acquired from completed and ongoing projects on the NCS, with particular attention paid to the post-2013 period.
5 – Project experience
The NPD has held a number of meetings since 2014 with development operators. These sessions report on progress and cost trends as well as challenges, and how these are being tackled.
6 – Project execution internationally
The EY consultancy published Spotlight on oil and gas megaprojects /11/ in 2014. This report studied costs and schedules in 365 projects covering upstream oil and gas, LNG, pipelaying and refineries costing more than USD 1 billion apiece.
7 – Future developments on the NCS
On the basis of the discovery portfolio and projects being planned on producing fields, this chapter looks at what kinds of developments might be seen in the years to come.
8 – References