6. The NPD’s role


The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) works ensure that the petroleum resources yield the maximum possible value for society.

Norwegian petroleum policy lays the basis for profitable production of the oil and gas resources in a long-term perspective. See report no 28 (2010-2011) to the Storting. Through its activities and roles, the NPD will contribute to realising the government’s principal goals for the petroleum industry. See the 2017 letter of allocation (Norwegian only).

The NPD’s various roles

The roles played by the NPD vary according the stakeholders involved. In addition to following up activities on NCS fields and discoveries, it provides guidance to the petroleum industry on Norwegian regulations. The directorate also serves as an advisor on resource management to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy.

The NPD’s roles in relation to the ministry, the industry, society and other government agencies.

This report places the main emphasis on the NPD’s role as a driving force for realising all economic value from fields and discoveries. For more information on the directorate’s main goals, duties and roles, see npd.no/en/About-us/

Optimising value for society


The regulatory framework for the petroleum industry are intended to ensure that incentives for the companies coincide with the government’s goal of creating the maximum possible value for society. In some cases, pressure is required from the government to ensure good solutions. The NPD helps to make sure that the companies comply with Norwegian legislation which requires oil and gas resources to be recovered prudently and to the benefit of society.