Fact box 2.2 3D seismic coverage for the past 10 years

Advances in seismic technology during recent years have made subsurface images clearer.

Ever larger 3D surveys also contribute to consistent imaging over large areas, which is important for the best possible geological understanding. Figures 2.8 and 2.9 show the development in 3D data acquisition across the NCS by oil (proprietary) and survey (for sale or multi-client) companies in 2000-09 and 2010-19.

More and larger areas have been investigated and covered by seismic surveys over the past decade. The oil companies acquired as much seismic data as the survey companies in 2000-09, but the latter were largely responsible for acquisition in the next decade.

A comparison of 3D surveys and average acreage covered per annum shows a reduction from 2012, while average acreage per survey has risen sharply (figure 2.7). That means a shift to larger 3D surveys, also illustrated in figure 2.9. It also shows that seismic acquisition has become more efficient in recent decades, with more data acquired per survey.


3D surveys and average square kilometres acquired, 2010-19


Figure 2.7 3D surveys and average square kilometres acquired, 2010-19