Fact box 4.2 Discoveries included in the analysis

A total of 285 discoveries have been made over the past 20 years, and 179 are included in the analysis.

The 106 excluded are largely categorised in resource class (RC) 6, where production is unlikely (figure 1.2). The 7435/12-1 (Korpfjell) and 7225/3-1 (Norvarg) discoveries in 2017 and 2011 respectively are examples of ones placed in RC6. Of those incorporated in the analysis, 68 are already on stream (RC0 and RC1), decided for production or in the planning phase (RC2-RC4), or in a phase where production is likely but unclarified (RC5).

Production and cost profiles reported by the operators in connection with the RNB have been used for these. Examples include 16/2-6 Johan Sverdrup from 2010, which is already on stream (RC0 and RC1), 6406/12-3 S Fenja from 2014, which is decided for development (RC2), and 7220/11-1 (Alta) from 2014, where production is likely but unclarified (RC5). Sixty-two discoveries in the analysis are already being or are in line to be brought on stream with other discoveries in coordinated developments (RC0-RC5). These do not have their own reporting, but fall within other overall profiles.

To determine production and cost profiles per discovery, they are calculated as a share of the overall profiles reported by the operators in connection with the RNB. This utilises the base figure for estimated resources per discovery. An example is the discoveries north of Alvheim, Krafla and Askja (the NOAKA area).

The NPD has calculated its own production and cost profiles for 49 of the discoveries, which are being or will be phased into fields developed before the analysis period. An example is 30/9-28 S from 2016, which is part of the Oseberg Sør field. In addition come discoveries which had not been evaluated (RC7F) at 31 December 2019 and do not have their own reporting, such as 35/11-23 (Echino Sør)from 2019, located to the west of the Fram field.