Fact box – Injectites

Injectites, or intrusive sand accumulations, are sand deposits which have been remobilised and squeezed through overlying strata.

The sediments are redeposited there as either vertical/inclined dykes or intruded between layers as horizontal sills (Figure 2.28, [7]). On the NCS, injectites are particularly widespread in the central North Sea and are found primarily in the Heimdal and Hermod Formations.
Several discoveries were made in injectites during 2021, with 25/8-20 B (King) as the largest. Various injectite discoveries are now in the planning phase towards development. 

Figure 2.28 Geodiagram of injectites modified after Hurst et al (2007).
Figure 2.28 Geodiagram of injectites modified after Hurst et al (2007).