Fact box – Energy production from different

sources Norway is the world’s seventh largest generator of hydropower and one of the few countries with almost wholly renewable electricity. In most years, it has a surplus of renewable power which is exported to other European countries. Norway and Iceland have the highest proportion of renewable energy in Europe measured by end use.

Gas and oil exports from the NCS totalled about 2300 terawatt-hours (TWh) in 2021 [28] (Figure 5.1). An installed hydropower capacity of 33 gigawatts (GW) generates an annual average of 138 TWh [29] (Figure 5.1). The corresponding figures for wind power are 4.7 GW and 15.4 TWh. In May 2022, the government announced that some 30 GW of offshore wind power is to be developed by 2040, which corresponds to a conservative estimate of 120 TWh per annum.

Figure 5.1 Annual production (TWh per annum) for various energy forms* Based on data from the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) and Statistics Norway. *The energy content of the energy forms is not directly comparable. Using electricity from hydro and wind power is more efficient than from oil and gas.