References and notes

References and notes

Note: Some sources only available in Norwegian, title translations for references only

  1. Energy institute (2024): Statistical Review of World Energy 2024, 73rd edition European Commission (2023): European Wind Power Action Plan, COM (2023) 669 final, Brussels, 24 October 2023
  2. Resources for the Future (2024): Global Energy Outlook 2024: Peaks or Plateaus? Report 24-06, April 2024.Download:
  3. The 30 largest upstream companies measured by revenue.
  4. IEA (2024): World Energy Investment 2024.Download:
  5. Davies, A. & M. D. Simmons (2021): Demand for ‘advantaged’ hydrocarbons during the 21st century energy transition, Energy Reports, Volume 7, November 2021, Pages 4483-4497. Download:'advantaged'_hydrocarbons_during_the_21st_century_energy_transition
  6. WoodMacKenzie (2023): Scraping the barrel: Is the world running out of high-quality oil and gas? Download:
  7. OG21 (2021): OG21 Strategy - A New Chapter.Download:
  8. IEA (2023b): The Oil and Gas Industry in Net Zero Transitions. World Energy Outlook Special report. Download:
  9. Norwegian Offshore Directorate (2024): Resource Accounts as per 31 Dec. 2023. Download:
  10. Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (2016): the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate's resource classification system. Download:
  11. Norwegian Offshore Directorate (2024): Resource Accounts as per 31 Dec. 2023. Download:
  12. USGS: McKelvey Diagram. Download:
  13. In line with Matt Hall's approach. Matt Hall (2011): McKelvey’s reserves and resources. Download:
  14. Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (2022): Resource report 2022.Download:
  15. Ministry of Finance (2023): Utfordringer for lønnsdannelsen og norsk økonomi (Challenges for wage formation and the Norwegian economy). NOU 2023: 30.Download:
  16. Ministry of Finance (2024): Karbonprisbaner for bruk av samfunnsøkonomiske analyser i 2024 (Carbon price trajectories for use in socio-economic analyses in 2024).Download:
  17. Hungnes, H., Midttun, S. and Strøm, B. (2022): Ringvirkninger av petroleumsnæringen i norsk økonomi: Basert på endelige nasjonalregnskapstall for 2020 (Ripple effects from the petroleum industry in the Norwegian economy: Based on final national account figures for 2020), Reports 2022/49, Statistics Norway. Download:
  18. Ministry of Finance (2023): Utfordringer for lønnsdannelsen og norsk økonomi (Challenges for wage formation and the Norwegian economy). NOU 2023: 30.Download:
  19. Statistics Norway (2023): Få vendte tilbake til petroleumsnæringene etter oljekrisen i 2014 (Few returned to the petroleum industries following the 2014 oil crisis).Download:
  20. Ministry of Finance (2023): Utfordringer for lønnsdannelsen og norsk økonomi (Challenges for wage formation and the Norwegian economy). NOU 2023: 30. Download:
  21. Ministry of Energy (1996): Act relating to petroleum activities (the Petroleum Act). Download:
  22. Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (2018): Sektorveileder i samfunnsøkonomiske analyser for petroleumssektoren (Sectoral guideline for socio-economic analyses for the petroleum sector). Download:
  23. Hagen, K.P. (1986): Velferdsteoretiske synspunkter på konkurranseformer (Welfare theory viewpoints on forms of competition), in “Markedsstruktur og konkurranse" (Market structures and competition), Brunstad, R.J. and Hope, E. (ed.), Bedriftsøkonomenes Forlag
  24. Sandmo, A. (1986): “Privatisering” (Privatisation), in “Markedsstruktur and competition" (Market structures and competition), Brunstad, R.J. and Hope, E. (ed.), Bedriftsøkonomenes Forlag
  25. Hagemann, F. (1998): Den geologiske utforskningen av den norske kontinentalsokkelen – hvem skulle ha ansvaret? (Geological exploration of the NCS - who was intended to be in charge?) Norwegian Petroleum Museum annual 1998. Download:
  26. Osmundsen, P. (2013): Økt oljeutvinning fra eksisterende felt (Improved oil recovery from existing fields), Magma, Vol 16 No. 3. Download:
  27. Office of the Auditor General (2015): Riksrevisjonens undersøkelse av myndighetenes arbeid for økt oljeutvinning fra modne områder på norsk kontinentalsokkel (Office of the Auditor General's investigation of the authorities' efforts to stimulate improved oil recovery from mature areas on the Norwegian continental shelf). Document 3:6 (2014–2015). Download:
  28. Ministry of Energy (2005): Regulations relating to the use of facilities by others. Download:
  29. Osmundsen, P. & A. Wittemann (2024): Petroleum development projects. Concept selection, taxation and recovery rate, Resources Policy, Volume 95, August 2024
  30. Ministry of Finance (2020): Innst. 351 L (2019–2020)- Midlertidige endringer i petroleumsskatteloven (Recommendation [bill] No. 351 L (2019-2020) - Temporary changes in the Petroleum Tax Act). Prop. 113 L (2019–2020) (Proposition [bill] No 113 L (2019-2020)). Download: and
  31. Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (2019): Resource report 2019 - Discoveries and fields.Download:
  32. Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (2017): Resource report 2017 - Big oppertunities. Download:
  33. Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (2017): Barents Sea North 2017 - Geological assessment of petroleum resources in eastern parts of the Barents Sea North. Download:
  34. Lundschien, B.A, R. Mattingsdal, S. K. Johansen & S.-M. Knutsen (2024): North Barents Composite Tectono-Sedimentary Element, Geological Society, London, Memoirs Volume 57, December 2024
  35. Cuddington, J.T, & D.L. Moss (2001): Technological Change, Depletion, and the U.S. Petroleum Industry, American Economic Review, Vol 91, No 4, September 2001
  36. There are considerable similarities between research and exploration activity. This has been pointed out by Maurice Adelman, among others: “The French have a feeling for words, and when they use recherche to mean both research and exploration, they are conveying a truth we cannot afford to overlook”: Adelman, M.A. (1993): The Economics of Petroleum Supply. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1993.
  37. Norwegian Offshore Directorate (2024): Large area with new released datasets in the Barents Sea. Download:
  38. OG21 (2021): OG21 Strategy - A New Chapter.Download:
  39. Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (2019): Teknologibruk og myndighetsinvolvering (Use of technology and authority involvement).
  40. Menon Economics (2023): Verdien av Oljedirektoratets data (The value of the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate's data), Menon publication no 30/2023. Download:
  41. Martinsen, I., D. Wade, B. Ricaud & F. Godtliebsen (2024): The 3-billion fossil question: How to automate classification of microfossils, Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences Volume 5, December 2024, 100080
  42. Hoel, M. (2022): Historisk lønnsomhet (Historical profitability). Report 2022/45, Vista Analyse. Download:
  43. Apeland, S., B. Aarhus, Ø. H. Rossebø, (2012): NCS2020 - En studie av fremtidens gassinfrastruktur (NCS2020 - A study of the gas infrastructure of the future), Gassco, 2012. Download:
  44. Gassco (2014) Barents Sea Gas Infrastructure. Download:
  45. Gassco (2020): Vurdering av gasstransportalternativer i Barentshavet sør (Assessment of gas transport alternatives in the Barents Sea South). Download:
  46. Gassco (2023): Vurdering av gasstransportalternativer fra Barentshavet sør (Assessment of gas transport alternatives from the Barents Sea South). Download:
  47. In this context, petroleum activity is defined as activity covered by the petroleum tax regulations. Beyond this, we have included emissions from the onshore part of Kårstø here, thereby including all emissions from the plant at Kårstø.
  48. Norwegian Environment Agency (2023): Miljøstatus - Klimagassutslipp fra olje- og gassutvinning (Environmental status - Greenhouse gas emissions from oil and gas production). Download:
  49. Petroleum-related emissions associated with mobile facilities are emissions in connection with petroleum-related activity such as drilling, well intervention or when a mobile living quarters is active on a field. Emissions in connection with transporting the facilities are not included.
  50. Norwegian Environment Agency (2023): Miljøstatus – Klima (Environmental status - Climate). Download:
  51. Norwegian Government (2021): Hurdal Platform. Download:
  52. Ministry of Finance (2020): Innst. 351 L (2019–2020)- Midlertidige endringer i petroleumsskatteloven (Recommendation [bill] No. 351 L (2019-2020) - Temporary changes in the Petroleum Tax Act). Prop. 113 L (2019–2020) (Proposition [bill] No 113 L (2019-2020)). Resolution 684. Download:
  53. Konkraft (2024): Framtidens energinæring på norsk sokkel - statusrapport 2024 (Future energy system on the NCS - status report 2024).Download:
  54. Ministry of Finance (2024): Meld. St. 2 (2023-2024) - Revidert nasjonalbudsjett 2024 (Report No. 2 to the Storting (2023-2024) - Revised National Budget 2024), page 71. initial. Download:
  55. Norwegian Government (2021): Hurdal Platform. Download:
  56. Contact Enova. Download: Press | Enova
  57. GoliatVIND. Download: GoliatVIND | GoliatVind
  58. Ministry of Energy (2010): Lov om fornybar energiproduksjon til havs (havenergilova) (Act relating to renewable energy generation offshore (Offshore Energy Act). Download:
  59. Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (2021): Meld. St. 36 (2020–2021) - Energi til arbeid – langsiktig verdiskaping fra norske energiressurser (Report No. 36 to the Storting (2020-2021) – Energy at work: Long-term value creation from Norwegian energy resources). Download:
  60. OG21 (2022): Nye OG21 rapporter om lavutslippsteknologi. (New OG21 reports on low- emission technology) Download:
  61.  Norwegian Environment Agency (2024): Klimatiltak i Norge. Kunnskapsgrunnlag 2024 (Climate initiatives in Norway. Knowledge base 2024). Download:
  62. Ministry of Climate and Environment (2023): Prop. 1 S (2023–2024). Særskilt vedlegg til Prop. 1 S (2023–2024) (Proposition [resolution] No. 1 S (2023-2024). Special appendix to Proposition [resolution] No. 1 S (2023-2024)). Regjeringas klimastatus og -plan (Grønn bok) (The Government's climate status and plan (Green Book)), page 81. Download:
  63. Ministry of Energy (2019): Lov om mineralvirksomhet på kontinentalsokkelen (havbunnsmineralloven) (Act relating to mineral activities on the continental shelf (Seabed Minerals Act). Download:
  64. Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (2018): Prop. 106 L (2017–2018) (Proposition [bill] No. 106 L (2017-2018). Lov om mineralvirksomhet på kontinentalsokkelen (havbunnsmineralloven) (Act relating to mineral activities on the continental shelf (Seabed Minerals Act), page 26. Download:, page 26Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (2023): Meld. St. 25 (2022-2023) - Mineralverksemd på norsk kontinentalsokkel – opning av areal og strategi for forvaltning av ressursane (Report No. 25 to the Storting (2022-2023) - Mineral activity on the Norwegian continental shelf - opening acreage and strategy for managing the resources), page 73. Download:
  65. Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (2023): Ressursvurdering havbunnsmineraler. Utarbeidet på oppdrag for Olje- og energidepartementet (Resource assessment for seabed minerals. Prepared on assignment from the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy), January 2023. Download:
  66. Stortinget [Norwegian parliament] (2024): Innst. 162 S (2023–2024) Innstilling fra energi- og miljøkomiteen om Mineralverksemd på norsk kontinentalsokkel – opning av areal og strategi for forvaltning av ressursane (Recommendation [resolution] No. 162 S (2023-2024) - Recommendation from the Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment on mineral activity on the Norwegian continental shelf - opening acreage and strategy for managing the resources). Download: and Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (2023): Meld. St. 25 (2022-2023) - Mineralverksemd på norsk kontinentalsokkel – opning av areal og strategi for forvaltning av ressursane (Report No. 25 to the Storting (2022-2023) - Mineral activity on the Norwegian continental shelf - opening acreage and strategy for managing the resources). Download:
  67. Norwegian Offshore Directorate (2024): Publications – CO2 atlases.Download:
  68. Norwegian Government (2024): Press release - Norway leads the way in offering commercial CO2 storage. Download:
  69. Ministry of Energy (2014): Regulation relating to exploitation of subsea reservoirs on the continental shelf to store CO2 and relating to transport of CO2 on the continental shelf. Download:
  70. Applications for licences to store CO2 in geological formations are also governed by Chapter 35 of the Regulations relating to pollution control (Pollution Control Regulations). Download:
  71. Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (2023): Identifisering av utredningsområder for havvind (Identifying impact assessment areas for offshore wind). Download:
  72. Østenby, A.M. (2019): Dybde og kompliserte bunnforhold gjør havvind i Norge dyrere enn i Europa (Depth and complex seabed conditions make offshore wind in Norway more expensive than in Europe). NVE Energy Department, Fakta No 15/2019, Technology analyses 2019. Download:
  73. This applies for surveys NPD22100, NPD23100 and NPD23101. Each survey contains seven data types, in addition to interpretation reports. Download: