Program Day 1- Workshop

22. November

  Title Presenter
08:30 Registration and coffee  
09:00 Welcome Arne Jacobsen
09:10 IOR-Centre to NCS2030 Tina Puntervold
  A: Studies of fluids and interfaces in porous media  
09:30 Impact of rheology on oil recovery by polymer flooding, analysed by core floods and network models Arne Skauge
10:00 Role of Non-Equilibrium Phase Behaviour in CSI Performance Applied to Heavy Oil Reservoirs Dr. Farshid Torabi
10:30 Coffee break  
11:00 Shallow CO2 sequestration in heavy oil reservoirs as support for EOR processes Dr. Bill Zeng (presenter: Erik Nickel)
  B: Surfactants and polymers  
11:30 Implementing EOR Offshore Europe - Success and learnings from the Captain field Geoff Johnson
12:00 Polysulphate as an EOR-additive for carbonate reservoirs Skule Strand
12:30 Lunch  
13:30 Polymer injectivity – scaling viscosity from lab to field   Tormod Skauge
14:00 EOR study of Eagle Ford tight reservoirs using surfactants Takaaki Kato
14:30 Coffee break  
15:00 Polymer Selection for Sandstone Reservoirs Using Heterogeneous Micromodels, Field Flow Fractionation and Corefloods Ante Borovina
15:30 Enhancement with nanoparticles of CEOR (chemical enhanced oil recovery) technology wiht chemically enhanced gas Camilo Andrés Franco Ariza
16:30 Dinner NPD Cantina

Updated: 17/11/2022

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