Open data

The Norwegian Offshore Directorate has large amounts of public data about petroleum activities, CCS and deep sea surveys on the Norwegian continental shelf.

This page gives an overview of avaliable services. Data is published under the Norwegian Licence for Open Government Data (NLOD). See infobox for details on licence and update routines.

Web pages with facts

New URL for REST-api. URL containing will be retired come May. The new URL is No changes to the data.
Name Desciption Downloadable in XLS (Excel), XML and CSV formats. Factmaps shows geographical information and is closely integrated with the Factpages.
Map for ongoing and planned surveys The map shows provides a virtual "real-time" outline of ongoing and reported/planned geophysical surveys on the Norwegian continental shelf.
Deep Sea Surveys The map shows completed surveys with the purpose of mapping seabed mineral deposits.
CO2-atlas The CO2 storage atlas of the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) has been prepared to identify safe and effective areas for long-term storage of CO2 on the NCS.


Documentation API services.

Namn Type og format GetCapabilities
Deep sea surveys REST  
Themes Overview of other themes, ie. CO2 etc.  


Data from the NOD can also be accessed from The content on this site is retrieved from the NOD.

Datasets Factmaps

Theme Description Format
All ESRI filegeodatabase for all datasets. FGDB


Please note that the shape and CSV files do not contain all properties and data. For complete datasets, either select the file geodatabase (FGDB) above or connect directly to the REST/OGC services.

AFEX Area Fee Exempt, all. One record per AFEX. Only current objects have geometry. Shape CSV
AFEX Area Fee Exempt, all. All periodes. All affected blocks and licences. Shape CSV
Licence Current production licence areas, “active” with overall geometry, “inactive” without geometry.
Overall geometry means a dissolved polygon including both stratigraphical and non- stratigraphical areas. (CO2-licences can be found in the BAA-dataset)
Shape CSV
Licence Complete area history split by block. “Active” licence areas can be found by querying “dtValTo” = NULL Shape CSV
Licencing APA Updated APA (Awards in predefined areas) gross areas. Shape CSV
Licencing APA APA (Awards in predefined areas) net areas. Only contains data under an active APA round. Shape CSV 
Wellbore Exploration, development and shallow wellbores. Shape CSV
Wellbore Fontfile for presentation. TTF  
BAA Business arrangement areas. (Includes CO2-licences) Shape CSV
BAA Business arrangement areas. Complete history for each area split by block. Shape CSV
Field Field outlines. Shape CSV
Discovery Discovery outlines - including field outlines. Shape CSV 
Facility Fixed facilities, floating production facilities and main facilities onshore. Shape CSV 
Survey Areas with planned survey after 1.1. 2009. The dataset contains both gross (included turn area for the boat) and net (acquisition area) for seismic, electromagnetic, site and basement surveys. Shape CSV
TUF Main pipelines. The dataset contains not infield pipelines. Shape CSV 
Block All blocks on the Norwegian continental shelf. Shape CSV
Quadrant All quadrants on the Norwegian continental shelf. Shape CSV
Sub area All sub-areas on the Norwegian continental shelf. Shape CSV

CSV-files includes geometry in WKT-format.

Other datasets

Theme Description Format  
CO2 CO2-surfaces used in the CO2-atlas zmap FGDB
Seabed minerals Request deep sea data Various formats  
Seabed minerals Sulphide samples analyses xlsx  
Seabed minerals Deep Sea Survey - packaged in fileformat. Esri filegeodatabase or geopackage gpkg FGDB
Seabed minerals Opening area from parliamentary announcement no. 25 (2022-2023) Shape  
Plays NOD Play outlines Shape  
Structural elements This dataset contains the main structural elements of the Norwegian shelf and adjacent areas. The data is compiled by the NPD and is based on the officially approved structural elements. Shape  



Positional data accuracy is, unless otherwise stated, within approx. +- 0-300m. NOD is not responsible for accuracy on data reported by third parties. Content shall not be used for navigational purposes.



Tel: 51 87 06 00

Updated: 17/02/2025

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Tel: 51 87 06 00