North Sea – Supra Paleocene plays

North Sea - Supra Paleocene plays

Group/Formation Age Area Reservoir rock Depositional environment Trap Source rock Critical factors Examples of fields Examples of discoveries Examples exploration wells
neo/grid-1 Hordaland Group with Grid Formation Middle- to Late Eocene, Early Oligocene Viking Graben and Utsira High Sandstone Deep marine Combined stratigraphic and structural Upper Jurassic shale (Draupne Formation) and Lower-Middle Jurassic shale and coal (Sleipner Formation) Long distance migration, biodegradation

neo/frigg-1 Hordaland Group with Frigg Formation Early Eocene Viking Graben and western part of the Horda Platform Sandstone Deep marine Combined stratigraphic and structural Upper Jurassic shale (Draupne Formation) and Lower-Middle Jurassic shale and coal (Sleipner Formation) Long distance migration, biodegradation

nol-1 Hordaland Group with Vade- and Grid Formation Late Eocene – Oligocene Danish-Norwegian Basin, Sørvestlandet High and eastern part of Central Graben. Sandstone Deep marine Combined stratigraphic and structural Upper and Middle Jurassic shale and coal (Bryne, Tau, Farsund and Mandal Formations) Long distance migration, biodegradation

With Vade Formation:

nmi-n "Nanna"-, Skade- and Utsira Formation Miocen and Early Pliocen Viking Graben Sandstone Deep Marin Compaction Domes, structural domes, stratigraphic punchouts and sedimentary pile structures. Upper Jurassic shale (Draupne Formation and Heather Formation). Long distance migration, biodegradation and seal.