North Sea – Upper Jurassic plays

North Sea - Upper Jurassic plays

Group/Formation Age Area Reservoir rock Depositional environment Trap Source rock Critical factors Examples of fields Examples of discoveries
nju-1 Viking Group with Heather, Krossfjord, Fensfjord and Sognefjord Formations Bajocian - Barriasian? Sogn Graben, Horda Platform, Stord Basin, northern part of Viking Graben and Øygarden Fault Complex Sandstone Marginal to shallow marine and deep water Stratigraphic and structural, rotated fault blocks The main source rock is Upper Jurassic shale (Draupne and Mandal Formations). The oil discovery 2/2-5 (NJU-3) is sourced from an unknown, possible Pre Triassic source rock Migration to the eastern part of the play
nju-2 Viking Group with intra Draupne and intra Heather Formations Oxfordian - Barriasian Tampen Spur, Sogn Graben and northern part of Viking Graben Sandstone Stratigraphic and structural, rotated fault blocks Stratigraphic and structural, rotated fault blocks The main source rock is Upper Jurassic shale (Draupne and Mandal Formations). The oil discovery 2/2-5 (NJU-3) is sourced from an unknown, possible Pre Triassic source rock Presence of reservoir and seal
nju-3 Vestland Group with Ula Formation, Tyne Group with Eldfisk and Farsund Formations, Viking Group with intra Draupne, intra Heather and Brae Formations Oxfordian - Barriasian Central Graben and southern part of Viking Graben Sandstone Marginal to shallow marine and deep water Stratigraphic and structural, rotated fault blocks The main source rock is Upper Jurassic shale (Draupne and Mandal Formations). The oil discovery 2/2-5 (NJU-3) is sourced from an unknown, possible Pre Triassic source rock Presence of reservoir