Fishery experts

For all seismic surveys on the Norwegian shelf, it is required to have at least one fishery expert on board. The fishery expert must have completed a three-day course under the auspices of the Norwegian Offshore Directorate and the Directorate of Fisheries.
The fishery expert plays a very important role as adviser to the management on the seismic vessels. The fishery expert shall contribute to creating understanding between the industries, as well as contribute to good coexistence at sea. He/she must act objectively towards the players.
Must complete a course
Those who want to be a fishery expert must complete a course. The objective of the course is to increase competence about the regulations, conflict management, reporting, notification and organisation. The course will also include an introduction to survey activities. Participants’ English skills will also be tested.
Requirements for course participants are pursuant to Section 11 of the Resource Management Regulations:
- Candidates who want to function as fishery experts must complete and pass a test for an approved course. The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate stipulates the technical content, the time and place of such courses, and issues course certificates. A fee may be required for participation in the course.
- Candidates who take part in the course must be proficient in Norwegian and English, and must be able to document that they have been an active fisher for at least twelve months total over the last five years.
- Candidates must document knowledge about the fishery activity in the waters where the seismic vessel will operate, differentiated according to south of 62 degrees north, between 62–67 degrees north and north of 67 degrees north.
- As a minimum, candidates must have a navigation certificate for fishing skipper class B or D 5 without restrictions. There is also a requirement for minimum 1 year of experience as skipper/mate.
Contact regarding course
The next course has not yet been planned, and is being continuously assessed. There will be a charge for the course.
Send an email for more information about the course.
Updated: 21/12/2023