25th round
All you need to know about the 25th licensing round.
7 companies offered ownership interests
23rd June 2021 seven companies have received offers of ownership interests in a total of four production licenses on the Norwegian Shelf in the 25th licensing round.
Three of the licenses are in the Barents Sea and one license is offered in the Norwegian Sea.
Press release from the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
Announcement of 25th licensing round on Norwegian shelf
19 November 2020 the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (MPE) announced the 25th licensing round. In this round, 136 blocks/parts of blocks were announced, 11 in the Norwegian Sea and 125 in the Barents Sea.
- Ministry of Petroleum and Energy press release
- Invitation to apply for production licences for petroleum
Maps of acreage available for application in the 25th licensing round
Map of acreage available for application in the Norwegian Sea in 25th licensing round.
Map of acreage available for application in the Barents Sea in 25th licensing round.
Download and read more:
- Map of area available for application in the Norwegian Sea (pdf)
- Map of area available for application in the Barents Sea (pdf)
- NPD’s interactive FactMap
How to apply in the 25th licensing round
Each company that applies for production licences in the 25th licensing round must submit the following to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate and the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy:
1. Application letter, company information and receipt for paid application fee
2. Application(s)
The submission to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) takes place via L2S Authority Communication.
The submission to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (MPE) shall be sent in any electronic format. L2S Authority Communication is one possible solution for submission.
1. Application letter, company information and receipt for paid application fee
The formal application letter with an overview of all applications the company is participating in, both individually and as a participant in group application(s), shall be submitted together with the company information. See Guide to application letter and company information for the 25th licensing round for more information (pdf)
An application fee of NOK 123,000 must be paid for each application to the 25th licensing round, including applications for additional acreage. When multiple companies join in a group application to apply for a production licence, this counts as one application. One of the members of the group pays the fee. Payment shall be made to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, account no.: 7694.05.00326, marked "25ROUND_(block number)". A copy of the receipt must be enclosed with the application letter from the company.
2. Application(s)
Each application for a production licence in the 25th licensing round must be submitted in an electronic format to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. See Guide to Application for Production Licence 25th Licensing Round (pdf)
- Guide to Application for Production License 25th Licensing Round (pdf)
- Guide to Application Letter and Company Information 25th Licensing Round (pdf)
Forms that must be completed:
Shape files that must be included:
Other application information:
Available data:
Contact the NPD
E-mail: 25round@npd.no
More information
News: 25th licensing round – proposal to announce nine areas
Report: Resource report for exploration 2020
Director Communication, public affairs and emergency response
Updated: 06/03/2025