The Improved Recovery Award

Oil recovery factor is the percentage of oil that can be recovered from a reservoir and if this can be increased by just a few percentage points, this would represent a considerable value.
The Improved Recovery Award is in recognition of efforts to improve recovery on the Norwegian continental shelf.
The Improved Recovery Award is awarded by the Norwegian Offshore Directorate to production licenses, companies, projects or individuals for their commitment to improved recovery.
The award is a prize for creativity, persistence and appetite for risk with regards to utilizing methods and technology to increase recovery beyond what can be expected based on existing plans and methods.
The Improved Recovery Award was first awarded in 1998. It was not presented in 2002 and 2008, as no worthy winners were found. Since 2012, the The Improved Recovery Award has been awarded in conjunction with Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) conference.
The Improved Recovery Award is replacing what was formerly known as the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate’s IOR award.
Winner: This year’s Improved Recovery Award goes to the licensees on the Valhall and Hod fields in the North Sea. These fields have produced almost four times more oil and gas than the estimates in the development plans . The prize goes to Aker BP and Pandion Energy. Read news item
Winner: The licensees on the Statfjord field in the North Sea for utilising a number of IOR measures that contribute to the world-class recovery rate. Read news item and see presentation (PowerPoint)
Winner: Researcher Geir Evensen (ensemble based methods). Read news item.
Finalist: The oil and gas company Lundin Energy Norway (formation testing and IOR on the Edvard Grieg field). Read news item and see presentation (pdf) (in Norwegian)
Finalist: Licensees on the Grane field (IOR measures and recovery strategy). Read news item and see presentation (pdf)
Winner: Licensees for the Alvheim field in the North Sea (IOR measures and recovery strategy). Read news item and see presentation (pdf)
Finalist: Technology company Resman (tracer technology). Read news item and see presentation (pdf)
Finalist: Professor Svein Magne Skjæveland (excellent research). Read news item and see presentasjon (pdf)
Åsgard licensees (subsea wet gas compressor)
Martin Landrø, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology (4D seismic)
Statoil (Oseberg gas injection)
Tor Austad (UiS) and Corec (IRIS) (IOR research, chalk fields)
FMC (subsea technology)
Talisman (investments in mature and marginal fields)
Halliburton and Baker Hughes (progressive development and application of advanced drilling and well solutions)
Arne Skauge, CIPR (IOR research)
Statoil and Gullfaks licensees (long term work on improved oil recovery)
BP and Valhall license (Life of field seismic)
Norne-lisensen og Egil Sunde, Statoil (MEOR – Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery)
Phillips Petroleum Company (Ekofisk water injection)
Saga Petroleum (FAWAG – Foam Assisted Water Alternating Gas injection)
Norsk Hydro and Troll license (Troll oil recovery)
Updated: 27/08/2024