Reports, publications and presentations

Reports, publications and presentations associated with seabed minerals.
Resource evaluation, seabed minerals (Norwegian only)
2020 resource report, Resources for the future
Seminar 2.6.2022 – Lansering av data fra kartlegging av mineraler på norsk kontinentalsokkel (norwegian only)
- Sandstå – Tokt (pdf)
- Bjørnestad – Datadistribusjon (pdf)
- Stenløkk – Mohnsryggen (pdf)
- Eriksen – Knipovitsj (pdf)
- Solvi – Manganskorpe (pdf)
- Pedersen – Hydrotermisk aktivitet og metalliske mineralavsetninger i Norskehavet (pdf)
- Brekke – Geologiske modeller (pdf)
- Veding – Ressursvurdering-metodikk (pdf)
- Onstad – Deteksjon av massive sulfider langs Mohnsryggen ved bruk av selvpotensial (pdf)
- Gilje – Jern-Mangan skorper: Norskehavet (pdf)
- Stubseid – Mohnsryggens vulkanske utvikling (pdf)
Deep Sea Minerals Developments in Exploration (pdf)
Presentation given by Harald Brekke, geologist in the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, at the Geological Society of Norway's winter meeting in January 2021.
Basic studies
Basic studies associated with the opening process for mineral activities on the Norwegian continental shelf:
Shipping (pdf)(Norwegian only)
Fisheries (pdf)(Norwegian only)
Seabirds (pdf)(Norwegian only)
Technology (pdf)(Norwegian only)
Pelagic ecosystems (pdf)(Norwegian only)
Natural conditions (pdf)(Norwegian only)
Updated: 11/11/2024