Challenging barrels

The Norwegian Offshore Directorate's resource report from 2019 points out the potential impact of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and the need for field pilots.
The implementation of enhanced oil recovery methods could help ensure that considerable volumes are recovered if the methods are qualified for use on the Norwegian shelf.
The Norwegian Offshore Directorate has conducted multiple CO2 for EOR studies, from regional screening to more detailed studies of individual oil fields. Results from these studies indicate a significant potential for improving oil recovery and storing CO2 in oil fields in the North Sea.
Improved recovery and reduced emissions
Technologies for reducing water production are an area that can both contribute to improved recovery while at the same time helping to reduce CO2 emissions, as less energy is needed to process and reinject water.
In the Resource report from 2019, the Norwegian Offshore Directorate highlighted the significant resource potential in tight/low permeability reservoirs in both fields and discoveries. If these volumes are going to be realised, it will be important to develop technology that can help increase well productivity.
Read more
The challenging barrels, Resource report 2019
CO2 for IOR (pdf)
The Technology Use and Authority Involvement report (pdf, Norwegian only). Describes nine proposed steps to achieve more development and use of technology.
Updated: 21/12/2023