Previous events

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All of our previous events from 2019-2024 can be found here.


  Previous events 2024
17. January In-person: Snorre conformance control pilot – Modeling the impact on oil recovery and CO2 footprint using IORSim
25. January Webinar: Applications of bound biomarkers in petroleum exploration
7. February Webinar: Inflow Control Technology – Optimizing well performance through (A)ICD technology & design
6-7 February In-person: Making good decisions under subsurface uncertainty: How difficult can it be?
13. February In-person: Bubbling Opportunities: CO2 Foam for Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage
05. March In-person: Operations Geology and application to Energy Transition and Renewables
6-7 March In-person: Biostratigraphy, conventional and beyond
13. March In-person: Addressing Chalk Influx and Solids Production Challenges in the Southern North Sea
10. April In-person:Joining Forces- Solving the energy challenges together
11. April In-person: DISKOS and Seismic Data Management – What Geophysicists need to know
17. April In-person: Underexplored Plays V
23. April In-person: Cake & Discuss- The Property Model
29. April In-person: CO2 Storage Project design – Insights from projects
28. May Webinar: Pressure interaction between CO2 storage sites
04. June In-person: FORCE CCS core workshop
06. June Webinar: Fluid flow history and paragenesis along a syn-rift basin bounding fault: the Helmsdale Fault (NE Scotland
27. August In-person: Cake & Discuss- The Uncertainty Study
18. September In-person: Structural Reservoir Compartmentalisation
25. september In-person: Charting the Depths: An Interpreter’s Perspective on FWI



Previous events 2023
Webinar: NPD's use of seep studies on the NCS
Webinar: Interaction of stratigraphy with faults at pressure cell boundaries within the Jurassic to Triassic reservoir sequnce of the Baryl Embayment, Quad 9, UK
Webinar: Digital work instructions - interface between onshore and offshore organizations
In-person: 2023 Force language modelling hackathon with oil and gas domain specific documents
In-person: Tight Reservoirs – Reservoir Appraisal and Development
Webinar: NCCS and gigaCCS projects
Webinar: Capillary Seals and Petroleum Migration: Theory, Observation, Modeling, and Risking
Webinar: Benchmarking in US Onshore: Foster competition and continuous improvement
Webinar: Production from low permeability reservoir and hydraulic fracturing
In-person seminar @NPD and Oslo Cake and discuss
In-person : Cross Border Seminar
Webinar: The LINCCS Project
Webinar: Natural Language Processing and Large Language Models
In-person @ the NPD: JIP proposal- Recovery Factor Benchmarking Phase 2
Webinar: Discrete-Element Modelling (DEM) using “cdem” from expert-user HPC code to a desktop application
Webinar: CCS Activities in OMV
Webinar: Subsurface Databasing in the modern energy environment: one location with multiple applications
In-person @NPD & Oslo: IRM network group presents Cake & Discuss
In-person & Webinar: Computer Vision
In-person @NPD & Webinar: JIP proposal- Mercury- to understand the origin and ensure improved measurement and removal
Webinar and in-person: Machine Learning for Time Series and Anomaly Detection
In-person Seminar @NPD: Faults from seismic interpretation to geo-model and flow simulator
Webinar and In-person: An Introduction to Supervised Machine Learning
In-person Seminar @NPD: A look back on 40 years of Reservoir Simulation (from the man who knows)
In-person @NPD: Unravelling the Valhall Chalk Dense Zone Conundrum – Traditional vs. Innovative Interpretation
In-person Seminar @NPD: IRM network group presents Aquifer Models
In-person Seminar @NPD: Curbing Optimism and Overconfidence Bias in Forecasting
In-Person @ the NPD: Diagenesis Seminar and Core Workshop
In-Person @NPD: IRM network group presents Cake & Discuss
Webinar: Salt structure and strain development in the eastern Mediterranean, and Kurdistan Oil Field trapping mechanisms
Webinar: The Role of Geoscience in the Critical Evaluation of Subsurface Carbon Storage Sites
In person-seminar: Tidal Systems Seminar
Webinar: Organic chemostratigraphy of Lower–Upper Triassic organic-rich mudstones in Svalbard
Webinar: Field trip to Brent & Hugin analogues
Webinar: Injection-induced earthquake activity in West Texas
Field Trip: Site visit to the Fluid Flow Rig at University Museum of Bergen, and Northern Lights development area


Previous events 2022
Webinar: Underexplored Plays IV
Webinar: Hywind Tampen - An industrial part of the solution
Webinar: Dual Drilling
Webinar: The role of basin modelling in CCS applications - play to prospect workflows
Webinar: Vår Energi Retrofit Multilateral Campaign: Existing infrastructure utilization to reduce emissions and costs
Webinar: State of the art heat pumps and energy integration
Webinar: The Acorn and VNZ projects: CCS on the UKCS
Seminar & Webinar: Johan Sverdrup: experience from first 2 years of production
Webinar: Machine learning based oil family classification above 62° North – method and some observations
LIVE: Joining Forces 2022
Webinar: Cyber security in the D&W community
Webinar: The Paleozoic petroleum system in the North Sea
Core Webinar: The Filicudi discovery 7219/12-1: a Triassic ‘Gironde tidal estuary- type’ sequence hidden below the Barents Sea?
Webinar: Northern Lights: CO2 Shipping expanding global reach of CCS
Gulf of Corinth field trip
Core Webinar: The Edvard Grieg cores, the first oil discovery made by Lundin Energy at the Norwegian shelf
Webinar: Goliat Retrofit MLT: from target maturation to production performance. Lessons Learned and future plans
Webinar: Storage resource maturation and beyond: The Northern Lights experience
Core Webinar: Caves, breccias, sinkholes and the evaporites that are not there anymore – Paleokarst features of the Loppa High, Barents Sea
Webinar: Controls of bulk petroleum compositions in conventional and unconventional petroleum systems
Webinar: : Rock and Fluid Data: An Integrated Effort on Improving Subsurface Analysis and Modelling Workflows
Field Trip to Technology Centre Mongstad
Webinar: Structural Group afternoon fault lectures
Webinar: Veien til nullutslipp i Statnetts Langsiktige Markedsanalyse
In-person: A Cityringen Journey through Danian and Danish Carbonate rocks
Webinar: Use of fishbones for improved recovery, challenges and results
In-person seminar: PSA & geochemistry conference
In-person seminar: The winner of the IOR award 2022
In-person: Fundamentals of Borehole Seismic Technology
Webinar:NORCE (Norwegian Research Centre) CCS projects
Webinar: Long term experience of CO2 injection and monitoring on the Norwegian continental shelf
In-person seminar @ the NPD: Update on IOR/EOR activities on NCS
2022 Annual Event FORCE Technical Committee on Energy Efficiency and Environment
In-person @ the NPD: Gas vs oil production: adjusting to the new political and economic climate
In-person: NSRG and FORCE presents Shallow sedimentology and implications for offshore infrastructure and renewable industries seminar
Webinar: Traditional and machine learning techniques applied to oil-source correlation in the Norwegian Sea: Åre we able to end the Spekk-ulation?
Webinar: Pre-salt reservoirs in Brazil: a quick introduction
In person @ the NPD: Experience Sharing: Assisted History Matching & Ensemble Modelling


Previous events 2021
Webinar: Upscaling of Near-Miscible WAG in Heterogeneous Reservoirs
Webinar: Microbial life in small water droplets enclosed in oil
Webinar: Summary and results of the ML contest
Webinar: Immiscible WAG modeling
Webinar: How can we  deliver 4000 m MD wells in 10 days on NCS?
Webinar: Let’s learn to treat our faults better
Webinar: Recent Development of Near Miscible WAG
Webinar: Well Clean-up and Well Test to Production Facility
Webinar: Mind the Gap #1
Webinar: Fault Compartments
Webinar: Mind the Gap #2
Webinar: Mind the Gap #3
Webinar: Post FORCE symposium
webinar: Mind the Gap #4
Webinar: Understanding in-situ polymer rheology from laboratory studies, rheological theory, and field test results
Webinar: Workflows for Handling Uncertainty: Are ensembles really the answer?
Webinar: Improved understanding of seepage in and around abandoned wells
Webinar: Variability in the geometry of segmented normal fault surfaces
Webinar: Along-strike stratigraphic response to normal fault growth: sediment sources, stacking and surfaces
Webinar: Injectites Virtual Field Trip
Webinar: Water shut-off via bullheading a DPR fluid – General status and the Alvheim example
Webinar:Interrelation between surface and basement heat flow in sedimentary basins
Webinar: Ephemeral fluvial systems – application to Triassic and Permian reservoirs in the North Sea
Lunch & Learn: Retrofit MLT – cost effective improved recovery
Webinar: Ephemeral fluvial systems – application to Triassic and Permian reservoirs in the North Sea
Webinar: Multiproxy biostratigraphy: Recent and future advances in the application and technologies
Webinar: Regional Structure and Basin Development of the mid-Norwegian Volcanic Passive Margin
Webinar: Dual Seminars on Full Waveform Inversion
Lunch & Learn: Integrated geomodelling for construction and civil engineering projects – expanding the use oil industry technologies (good and bad!)
Ichnology of Petroleum Systems
Webinar: Structural characterization and across-fault seal assessment of the Aurora CO2 storage site, northern North Sea
Webinar: Evolution of Vitrinite Reflectance Models
Webinar: Overview of subsurface research activities for carbon storage on the NCS


Previous events 2020
Organizational Decision Quality: value creation by high quality decisions
Petroleum Charge and Migration - Understanding a Major Exploration Risk on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
Open hole stability in chalk- A case study on the Radial Jet Drilling technology
Webinar: The Application of Machine Learning Technology to Elastic Log Prediction  & Earth Model Generation
Webinar: Oil and Gas outlook with Covid-19 and Energy transition – Macro to NCS perspectives by Rystad Energy
Webinar: Svalbox- An interactive digital Svalbard geological-geophysical portal
Webinar: Understanding Anisotropy
Webinar: AI and Petroleum system risk assessment
Webinar: Practical 4D seismic interpretation
Webinar: Fluvial systems Virtual field school #1
Webinar: Development of Low Reservoir Quality Chalk – experiences and lessons learned from the most complex Danish chalk field
Webinar: Shallow Marine 1 – Paralic Systems
Webinar: Maximising the use of geochemistry for reservoir understanding and increased production
The FORCE 2020 Machine Learning Contest with Wells and Seismic
Webinar: Shallow Marine 2- Tidal Systems
Webinar: Deep water systems
Webinar: Multilateral Wells
Webinar: Flexigrid Proposal
Webinar: Advanced EOR Screening for the Norwegian Continental Shelf
Webinar: Wedge Proposal
Webinar: Salt Tectonic Talks
Results of the FORCE 2020 lithology machine learning competition
Results of the FORCE 2020 fault mapping on seismic competition


Previous events 2019
To re-process or re-acquire? The seismic decision
Provenance in the North Atlantic
Carbonate Plays on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
Integrated production optimization on Skarv
Poor Production Forecasts - Here's Why and What You can do About it
Fishbones Completion Technology
Wave-equation based AVO inversion
Salt tectonics on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
Jæren Field Trip
Disentangeling Paleokarst Reservoirs
Triassic FORCE Workshop
Oil vs. Gas: What are the limits to prospect-level hydrocarbon phase prediction?
FORCE Hackathon: Applied Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics with Oil and Gas Data
Cores of the year 2019
Practical insights and techniques in seismic velocity estimation
Cretaceous Park
Advances in Integrated Biostratigraphy
The thrill at the edge: Seismic Geometry, Reservoir Architecture, Trapping Mechanism and Forward Modelling of Clinoforms
Advanced structural geological approach to understand fault systems and basin evolution
Advances in petroleum system assessment and evaluation of the possibilities for zero emission energy recovery from petroleum reservoirs
Fifty years since the first commercial discovery on NCS - lessons learned for the next generation

Updated: 30/09/2024

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