2 - What to report

2.1 Main categories: Field, Discovery and TUF

The reporting distinguishes between field, discovery and TUF. The table below gives a definition of the categories.

Table 2-1 Definition of field, discovery and TUF

Category Description

One or more petroleum deposits, which together are comprised by an approved plan for development and operation (PDO) or for which exemption from the PDO requirement has been granted.



One petroleum deposit, or several petroleum deposits collectively, which have been discovered in the same wellbore and in which testing, sampling or logging has established the probability of the existence of mobile petroleum (includes both commercial and technical discovery).
For discoveries in RC4F, 5F and 7F that are reported as part of a field, the resource estimates will not be published.
Several discoveries may be combined in one report, as a development project.


Transportation and Utilization Facilities includes pipelines, terminals and onshore facilities.


Designation of fields, discoveries, and TUF shall be according to the Directorate Project list, see chapter 2.3 - Project list. A drop-down list with names is available in the reporting file, see chapter 5 – Completing the spreadsheet “Generell info og kommentarer” (General info and comments).

2.2 Projects in fields, discoveries and TUF

Fields, discoveries, and TUF contain one or several projects. Project is a basic definition in the Norwegian Offshore Directorate’s resource classification of petroleum (see chapter 3).

All recoverable petroleum volumes must be assigned to a project. A project represents the connection between a petroleum volume and the decision process, including budget allocation. A project will have a specific level of maturity regarding a decision to whether to proceed (i.e., to spend money). An additional project in a field or a mature discovery can represent development of one or more new deposits, or it can represent a specific measure to optimise production on a field.

Projects also apply to TUF. An additional project in a pipeline-reporting file can for example be a new pipeline or a new compressor. Each project should be placed in a resource class based on its maturity, see chapter 3.2 – Resource Classes.

Several projects can be included in one profile collection, but only if the projects are in the same resource class and the year for DG3 is the same. It could be relevant to distribute the reporting across multiple profile collections if the projects have different decision progress. For more information, see chapter 6 “Completion of the spreadsheet” – profile 1-15 (= profile collections).

For mutually exclusive projects (targeting the same volume), only the most probable project should be reported.

Delta profiles should be reported in a logical order such that they add up and give a total realistic production scenario. This applies to all projects with profiles, i.e., RC1-5. The assumptions for the scenario should be described in the text box.

2.3 Project list

This list of projects will form the basis for the reporting and is handled in a separate process. Changes to the project list after September 1st must be agreed with The Norwegian Offshore Directorate. For further information, see  Guidelines for the Project List.


Updated: 30/08/2024

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