4 - The reporting file

The reporting file has been prepared in a macro enabled excel file. The file contains several built-in macros, and it contains multiple calculations and linking of data between sheets in the file.

The reporting file has been prepared in a macro enabled excel file. The file contains several built-in macros, and it contains multiple calculations and linking of data between sheets in the file. Furthermore, information is uploaded to in-house databases. It is therefore important that the structure of the file remain unchanged.

No changes shall be made in the layout of the spreadsheets, except for entering data in the white cells.

Emphasis has been placed on validation of data in the reporting file. This takes place in two ways, by:

  • controlling the entries in cells using list boxes/drop-down menus and other validation of data
  • consistency checks of the data after entry

The consistency checks can result in various messages. Possible errors must be checked and corrected, or comments regarding the cause of the message must be provided.

4.1 Spreadsheets in the reporting file

The table below shows the spreadsheets in the reporting file.

Table 4-1 The spreadsheets in the reporting file

Names of the sheets Purpose Comments
Innledning Information to the report issuer No data to be filled in
Generell info og kommentarer Basis information on fields, discoveries, TUF. For fields and discoveries, resource information and information on exploration activity should also be included.

Resource estimates for RC6-8.
Main reasons for changes in reserve estimates.
New Profile collections (Profilsamlinger) can be opened from this file.

Tariffinntekter Give an overview of income from use of facilities by others. Should not be used for discoveries.
Cost Control Quality assurance. Provide some data/comments.
(Profil_1, _2, _15)

Yearly data, resource information and information on projects that has not been decided and production start (DG4).

(”Project attributes”)

Consistency checks.

Projects in RC0, 0+1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 should be reported in the profiles.
Sheets can be opened from “Generell info og kommentarer” and must NOT be removed.
Please use Profil_15 for commercial data.


Sum of all profile collections

Total overview – field reporting.

 No data to be entered. Can be opened by the report issuer.


 Monthly values for the next calendar year.

Ressursoversikt Summary of data from the sheets - Generell info og kommentarer og Profil samlinger. No data to be entered.
Gassco Provide information to Gassco This is the front page to the Gassco main data collection (GMDC). Other reporting sheets can be opened from this page. Separate guidelines from Gassco are available at company specific team-sites.


4.2 General information – how to complete the reporting file

The operators are requested to fill in the comment boxes in the reporting file. It is important for us to have updated information on the projects as well as changes in the forecasts for each project, and it is also very useful in the quality control of the data sets.

Regarding discoveries in RC4 and 5, the operator is requested to use the general comment box to briefly describe the concept.

The spreadsheet colour codes:


  • Grey and blue cells shall not be completed by the operator. Grey and blue cells contain either information obtained elsewhere in the reporting file, or data calculated from submitted data. Some cells are shaded grey depending on resource class or project type. Other colours might be in use to highlight new items in the file.

  • Light grey cells are optional to complete. In some cases, data are available even though the maturation level suggests otherwise. These cells are shaded light grey depending on resource class.

  • White cells shall/may be completed by the operator. Some cells will generate an error message if invalid values are entered.

Recommended sequence for entering data

Start completing the file at the top of the spreadsheet “Generell info og kommentarer” by completing the area "1) General information”. For fields and discoveries, then proceed to the tables under "2) Resource overview" to enter (2a) resources in place for all resource categories and (2b) recoverable resources in RC6-8. Recoverable resources and reserves in classes lower than 6 must be stated directly in the relevant profile collection. Profile collections are opened as needed.

During completion, enter the data cell by cell or paste in the data from other sources. Note that the paste function is limited. There are locked cells with formulas in the spreadsheets which make it impossible to paste in larger areas, try pasting lesser amounts of data at a time.

The function "Edit – Paste Special - Values" must be used when pasting data into the spreadsheets.

Do not use the command "Ctrl-V" or other methods, this will cause problems.


Updated: 30/08/2024

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