5 - Completing the spreadsheet “Generell info og kommentarer”

5.1 Completing “General information”:

First, enter the name of the field/discovery/TUF. Pick a name from the drop-down list in cell D7. It contains official names for fields and discoveries as well as designations for pipelines and facilities. When a name is selected, many of the cells in this area will be filled in automatically, e.g. information about the contact in the Directorate. If the correct name is not in the drop-down list, please contact the Directorate.

rnb 2025 kap5.1-1.General information

Then complete:

  • Norwegian part (per cent) The Norwegian percentage (normally 100 per cent) of the resources shall be stated. For those cases where the resources extend into another country’s continental shelf, use the latest official allocation of resources between Norway and the other country.

  • Date: The date of completion of the reporting file should be entered in the format dd.mm.yyyy.

  • Contact information: Name, phone number and e-mail address and an alternative contact must be given.

5.2 Completing the “Resource Overview”

The resource overview shall be completed for all fields and discoveries, unless otherwise agreed with the Directorate. Fields and discoveries often have projects also in higher resource classes with associated resources. Projects with resources/reserves in RC0-5 shall be reported directly in the applicable profile collection.

  • Expected resource class as of 31 December, of the current year shall be used as a basis for the reporting.

  • Only the Norwegian percentage of the resources is stated according to the distribution provided under "General information".

  • In files where several discoveries are reported, resources for each individual discovery should be given separately.

Hydrocarbons originally in place shall be reported for each deposit. This year we will ask the report issuer to insert deposit name (Column B) and discovery name (Column C) from RNB-Collabor8. Download the table (left-click – excel export), and filter by reporting objects. From the exported file, Deposit names are pasted from column H and Discovery name from column F. Please note that description of deposit (Column D) is not in the pilot phase of Collabor8. Deposit should contain the name of the main geological group or formation of the deposit. The names used should be taken from the lithostratigraphic charts that can be found on the Directorate’s web site.

If there is a need for change of available deposits, this must be done in the Directorate’s RNB-Masterdata.

Note that the name of the deposit used in column B forms the basis for specifying the deposit in the various profile collections. The hydrocarbons are divided between oil, associated liquid (condensate), associated gas and/or free gas all independently of the sales products. Gas volumes shall be reported at the actual calorific value. All estimates shall be given with uncertainty, i.e., high (preferable P10), low (preferable P90) and base estimate (expected value). Information about risk spread, i.e., the probability that the outcome will be greater than, or equal to the low/high value shall be given at the top right of the table. These values should always apply when uncertainty is reported.

Recoverable resources

Recoverable resources shall be stated for all discoveries and fields. Recoverable gas comprises quantities which are sold, physically delivered, or planned to be delivered from the asset.

The resources should be reported as sales products; oil, NGL, condensate and gas. The sales products shall, to the greatest extent possible, be reported in the same way as they will be reported to the Directorate (DISKOS – Saleable Production) in the regular monthly reporting. This means that condensate sold as oil should be reported as oil, and associated liquid from gas fields shall be reported as oil if the liquid is sold as oil. If any changes in definition of sales products during the operating period of a field, the date of the change should be reflected in the RNB reporting, meaning that the change should be reflected in the same way as reported to DISKOS (Saleable Production).

In the table showing hydrocarbons originally in place, condensate should be reported as associated liquid, regardless of the sales product.

Gas flared or used for fuel shall not be included in the resource base.
For all fields and discoveries, high, base (expected value), and low estimates shall be reported for recoverable resources, see chapter 6.3 Annual Profiles for petroleum - production, sale, transport, and injection.

For projects in RC1-5, the recoverable resources are normally equivalent with sum of the reported sales profiles. However, some fields and discoveries with commercial agreements for swaps/borrowing/deferral of volumes need special handling (see chapter 6.3.5 for more information).

Reporting of RC0-5

Recoverable resources in RC0 – 5 shall be stated in the relevant profile collection. The profile collection is displayed by clicking on one of the buttons marked ”View Profil_x”. The profile collections can be displayed and then hidden as needed, without changing the set-up.

There should be consistency between profiles and the stated base estimates for recoverable resources unless special reasons indicate otherwise.


One profile collection (minimum) shall be prepared for each resource class in which a project is reported.

In total the field/discovery should not report negative resource estimates, but fields and discoveries can have projects with negative resource estimates.

Reporting of historical production from fields with ceased production has been challenging to get correct. Fields that have ceased production shall report the total production for the prior production period in a separate profile sheet with RC0, where the production for all products are identical to what has been reported to DISKOS (Saleable Production). Fields without potential for further activity and where all cessation costs have been spent before the previous year, should not be reported.

Recoverable resources RC6 and 7:

For projects in RC6 and 7, the necessary information is provided in the "General info and comments" spreadsheet. Column B gives the name of the project as it appears in the Project list. The resource class is obtained from the drop-down list in column C. Project category "A" or "F" is selected for RC7 from the drop-down list in column D. The deposit from which the project obtains its resources is selected from the drop-down list in column F. Information about evaluations that have been performed, and further plans for the project are provided in the comments space below the table.

Recoverable resources RC6 and 7

Reporting of RC7A:

For projects in RC7A, the resource estimate should reflect a long-term expectation of the final recovery factor for the field/discovery due to anticipated technological development. The low estimate should reflect a long-term expectation of the final recovery factor for the field/discovery assuming a moderate technological development. The high estimate should reflect a more optimistic, long-term objective for the final recovery factor for the field/discovery assuming an expansive technological development.

Reporting of RC8:

Estimates shall be given for recoverable resources in prospects in separate production licences/unitized fields that, given discovery, will very likely be tied into the field/discovery they are reported in. Prospects that extend into adjacent production licences are to be reported with the total volumes. It must be ensured that the prospect is not reported simultaneously by other fields/discoveries. The resource estimate must be risk-weighted and should reflect the estimated volumes multiplied by the probability of making a discovery.

Reporting of RC8

Explanation of changes and comments:

Explanations of changes in the reserve- and resource estimates, compared with the previous RNB reporting, shall be entered in the space reserved for explanation of changes and comments at the bottom of the spreadsheet, paragraph 2c. When the reserves changes, respectively for oil and gas are +/- 0,5 million Sm3 o.e., please describe the reasons for the changes, as a minimum either as development decisions, well decisions or as model- and assumption changes.

Changes in total recoverable resource estimates of more than 5 per cent are considered significant and must be explained.

explanation of changes and comments


Updated: 30/08/2024

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