Guidelines for project list - Revised national budget (RNB)
The project list, distributed from the the Norwegian Offshore Directorate, is created based on the reporting to the previous revised national budget (RNB).
Column A are updated with regards to status (PDO-approvals). For new entries this information must be completed in addition to reporting company. The following columns (C-H) refer to the last RNB-reporting:
Discoveries proven after the previous reporting have been added, as well as discoveries located within production licences awarded after the previous reporting.
The reporting companies should complete the following columns:
Columns I-N: Mandatory to complete for all projects that will be reported. These columns must always reflect the relevant status for the projects, i.e. File name, Project Name, Serial Number, RC and Profile No.
Column I: File name, completed by the the Norwegian Offshore Directorate. All files must adhere to this naming template. This is also addressed in the guidelines for RNB reporting.
Column J: Enter a project name that explains briefly and as precisely as possible what the project represents.
Column K: The project serial number is a unique identifier for projects in each field/discovery/TUF. If a project is cancelled, the associated serial number should also be cancelled. For new projects, add a new serial number which has not previously been used for this reporting unit.
Column L: is used to state which serial number the project is included in ("New measure, volume transferred from another project") or coming from ("Cancelled, volume included in another project" or "Cancelled, volume incorporated in basis").
Column M: Resource class for the project. The illustration below shows the relationship between decision progress and resource class.
Column N: Profile sheet number.
Column O: The the Norwegian Offshore Directorate's proposed resource class (RC) based on new information regarding submission/approval of Plan for Development and Operation (PDO) and production start. For projects where the The Norwegian Offshore Directorate has registered that the project status has changed from the previous reporting, a new RC is proposed.
RC 7F will generally be presumed for new discoveries, but if DG0 has been passed or is planned for within the year, the discovery must be reported in a resource class that reflects the progress.
Column P: Comments from the the Norwegian Offshore Directorate will be given if there is a need to change the previous structure with regards to grouping of projects in profile collections or possible new projects. Major projects that e.g. require a PDO and large gas blow-down projects should be reported in separate profile sheets. It would also be relevant to distribute the reporting over multiple profile sheets if projects of different types and decision progress have previously been reported collectively. Projects that fall under the temporary rules for taxation must be reported in separate profile sheets until further notice.
Column Q - the reporting companies must review their fields, discoveries, pipelines, etc. and select the status for each project from the drop-down list. (All rows must be filled in).
Drop-down list in Column Q:
- Videreføres, samme RK (Continued, same RC)
- Videreføres, endret RK (Continued, changed RC)
- Nytt tiltak, volum overført fra annet prosjekt (New measure, volume transferred from another project)
- Nytt tiltak med tilleggsvolum (New measure with additional volume)
- Nytt objekt (New discovery,new field or new pipeline which was not reported last year)
- Utgår, volum innlemmet i basis (Cancelled, volume included in basis)
- Utgår, volum inkludert i annet prosjekt (Cancelled, volume included in another project)
- Utgår, volum avskrevet (Cancelled, volume will not be considered)
- Utgår, ny rapportutsteder (Cancelled, new report issuer)
New projects must be added with a new row (for the suitable reporting unit) and marked with status New (Nytt …..),this must be chosen from the drop-down list. Make sure you fill in Columns A-B and I-N.
Projects to be cancelled must be marked with status Cancelled (Utgår .….), this must be chosen from the drop-down list. Do not delete any rows.
Column R - Changes in RC and attributes from previous RNB reporting must be filled in.
Column S – Please give important information about the projects. If a project is cancelled, please explain why.
For questions, please contact:
Contact | Phone | |
Tom Andersen | 51 87 62 75 | |
Magnar Haugvaldstad | 51 87 60 74 | |
Updated: 02/05/2024