Instructions for SMIL

The SMIL web portal was launched on 9 June 2015 and is now used by all operating companies for applications to extend deadlines in the licence work programme. A new and extended version of SMIL was launched on 15 September 2017.

SMIL now includes a new module for notifications from licence operators to the Ministry of Energy (MoE)/Norwegian Offshore Directorate on decisions to proceed or drop the licence.

Note that SMIL until further notice only includes licences in initial phase, not licences in extension phase.

Access to SMIL via L2S

There is a link to the SMIL portal in License2Share (L2S). Only operators have access to SMIL. The operator’s L2S super-user can add new SMIL users in a separate SMIL group that has been established for this purpose. Each operating company will have its own SMIL group in JV Authorities. When logged on to L2S, SMIL users, i.e. 'L2S JV coordinator'/'L2S JV coordinator deputy' and others with SMIL access, will see the SMIL button at the bottom of the left-hand column.



In SMIL, the operator has access to submit applications and notifications  on behalf of the production licences that the company operates. All applications and notifications the company has drafted and/or submitted through SMIL will be visible in the list as long as the operator remains unchanged.




Completing applications or notifications

Start by selecting “Application form” or “Notification form”. Then select the production licence from the pull-down list. This shows the licences in initial period that the company operates. After selecting a production licence, facts about the licence will be automatically uploaded from the Norwegian Offshore Directorate’s Factpages. The next step is to complete the various fields, with pull-down lists and free text.

Enclosures can be uploaded to the application. Before submitting, you can choose to make a pdf document, i.e. a draft of the application/notification, to share internally in the company, or to share with partners by publishing on L2S.

When the application/notification is ready, click the 'submit' button and it will be sent to the MoE, with a copy to the Norwegian Offshore Directorate.


Receipt for submission

When the application or notification has been submitted, a receipt will be sent by email to the operator’s contact person. If the Norwegian Offshore Directorate finds that the application/notification is incomplete, it will be returned via SMIL, with an email notice and explanation to the contact person.

Authority processing

The status of the authority process (Draft, Returned, At Norwegian Offshore Directorate, At MoE, Completed) will always be visible in the operator’s list of applications/notifications in SMIL.

Authority response

Applications: When the MoE has received the Norwegian Offshore Directorate’s assessment and recommendation of an application for extended deadlines in the work programme, the MoE will respond by sending a decision letter to the company with a copy to the Norwegian Offshore Directorate. The decision, with potential new deadlines for the production licence, will be registered in SMIL and the Norwegian Offshore Directorate’s Factpages will be updated.

Notifications: Regarding notifications that the licencees have decided not to continue the work programme, the MoE will send a letter to the operator, confirming the licence drop. If the licencees have decided to proceed to the next phase and continue the licence, no response will be given to the operator from the MoE. The Norwegian Offshore Directorate will receive the notification and the Norwegian Offshore Directorate’s Factpages will be updated.

For both applications and notifications, SMIL will send an email message to the operator’s contact person for the application/notification when a decision letter is received from the MoE is received and loaded in SMIL. The letter can then be read directly in SMIL.
In the event of a new application for the production licence, the new approved deadlines will show in SMIL. If there is a change of operator, or if the production licence is relinquished, previous operators will no longer be able to see the old applications.

Updated: 19/12/2023

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