Dry well in the Barents Sea (7219/6-1)

The well was drilled using the Transocean Enabler rig. (Photo: Transocean)
30/05/2024 Exploration well 7219/6-1 “Venus” in the Barents Sea was dry.
Vår Energi is the operator of production licence 1025 S. This is the first well to be drilled in the production licence, which was awarded in 2019.
The well was drilled using the Transocean Enabler rig. The rig will now proceed to well 7220/2-2 in production licence 1080 for Equinor.
Geological information
The primary and secondary exploration targets for the well were to prove petroleum in two levels in Lower Palaeocene reservoir rocks in the Torsk Formation.
The well encountered the primary exploration target at 1406 metres below sea level with alternating silty/shaly reservoir rocks with a thickness of 10-15 metres. Traces of gas have been observed at a depth of 1430 metres. Attempts were made to collect fluid samples, but were unsuccessful. The reservoir rocks are tight.
The secondary exploration target was encountered at 1563 metres below sea level, without the presence of reservoir rocks or indications of hydrocarbons. The well is classified as dry.
Well 7219/6-1 was drilled to a vertical depth of 1620 metres below sea level, and was terminated in the Kveite Formation in the Upper Cretaceous.
Water depth at the site is 399 metres. The well has been permanently plugged and abandoned.
Director Communication, public affairs and emergency response
Updated: 27/06/2024